In accordance with article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer can terminate the contract with the employee due to staff reductions. In this case, it is very important to correctly draw up all the necessary documents in order to protect yourself from litigation.

Step 1
Create a commission whose members will decide whether to cut staff and which positions should be abolished. To do this, issue a written order. In the document, designate the chairman of the meeting (he can be both a leader and a deputy) and other members of the commission. Set a date for the council. At the meeting, solve the question posed, write down the decision in the minutes.
Step 2
Based on the protocol of the commission for the reduction of staff, issue an order in which you indicate the name of the reduced positions and the date of changes in the production process.
Step 3
Submit a notification to the employment center. In this document, you must indicate the position, the salary of the dismissed employees. Make up the notification in duplicate, keep one of which (with a mark from the employment center), and give the second to the state body. This document must be submitted to the government agency 2 months before the staff reduction.
Step 4
Next, you need to notify the employees themselves with whom you plan to terminate the employment contract. Draw up a document for each employee to be laid off, where indicate the reason, the date of the layoff and the basis. The text of the document may be as follows: “In connection with the termination of the division's activities, I notify you of dismissal from August 1, 2014 in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Reason: order of the head of June 01, 2014 No. 2 . The employee must sign and date as a sign of familiarization. You must send a notification at least 2 months before the reduction date.
Step 5
After 2 months, terminate the employment contract with all employees who were laid off, pay severance pay, make a change to the personal card of employees, make a note in the work book, referring to Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Approve the new staffing table by issuing an order. If necessary, make changes to the vacation schedule.