Clause 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for dismissal to reduce the number or staff of employees. After determining the optimal number of employees, it is necessary to correctly document the procedure for reducing the organization's employees.

Step 1
Notify the employee of the upcoming layoff in writing at least two months before the deadline for dismissal. Take from him a receipt that he has been informed about the future dismissal.
Step 2
Offer the employee a transfer to another position in the same organization.
Step 3
Inform the elected trade union body in writing of the upcoming changes at least two months before the start of downsizing. If massive reductions are expected, then the notification period is increased to three months.
Step 4
No later than three months in advance, submit to the territorial employment agency a set of documents reflecting the intention of future staff reductions and dismissals of employees.
Step 5
Prepare a draft order for the dismissal of an employee in connection with a layoff. After signing the order by the head of the organization, familiarize the dismissed employee with the text of the order against signature. In case of refusal to familiarize yourself, involve at least two witnesses and draw up an appropriate act, in which you reflect the fact of refusal to familiarize yourself with the order, indicate the positions, surnames and initials of the compiler of the act, witnesses, the date of drawing up.
Step 6
Fill in the employee's work book with the appropriate entry "Dismissed due to staff redundancy, paragraph 2 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation", indicate the number and date of the dismissal order. Fill in the appropriate fields in the employee's personal card T-2.
Step 7
Submit payment documents to the accounting department of the organization for payment of compensation to the employee in the amount of the average two-month earnings. If the employee does not show up for severance pay, send a notice of benefits due to the employee's mailing address.