Reporting is one of the most lively and operative genres in journalism. It tells about an event witnessed by the journalist himself. At the same time, a real professional will definitely track the development of the event, determine its key points and record the opinions of participants and eyewitnesses. However, having collected all the objective material, a novice journalist may face a problem. How do I start reporting?

Step 1
The genre of reportage is good because the form of its writing is completely free. The most common way is chronological. In this case, the reporting begins with a step-by-step recording of the event. Some journalists even like to indicate the exact time of a particular moment. For example: “11:00. The head of the city self-government arrived at the opening ceremony of the business center”.
Step 2
You can start reporting by listing the most important information - where, when and what event happened, which of the influential people, deputies or leaders of different levels was present at it. Such a beginning is suitable for reporting on an official and serious event.
Step 3
A completely different plan could be the beginning of a report on a trip to a competition with a youth team. In this case, it is very important to convey not only objective information, but also the attitude of the team, the atmosphere prevailing among young people. A start might be appropriate for such a reportage: “The day of competition for the youth team building started very early. But young athletes were even glad of this circumstance”.
Step 4
Another way to start reporting is by starting from a photograph taken at the event being described. A reportage cannot exist without a reportage snapshot. The task of this frame, or a whole series of photographs, is to reflect reality in such a way that the reader is imbued with the event as much as possible. Choose the brightest and most informative picture and start writing your reportage. For example: “The goalkeeper of the winning team was awarded the strongest handshake of the president of the football club of our city. But it happened in the evening, at the awards ceremony. And the day began with …"