Today there are a huge number of companies engaged in the design of work books at the request of the customer. Should I contact such organizations? Maybe it's better to formalize your labor relations in an official way?

Step 1
Contact one of the firms that provide registration and restoration of work books.
Step 2
Check out the company's price list and pay attention to what services are most often in demand. If the most popular services of an illegal nature (for example, the sale of work books with records), turn around and leave. It is likely that due to the large number of such orders, the employees of this company care little about the adequate execution of work books.
Step 3
If the company specializes in the search for information to fill in books or offers services for the restoration of previously lost books, then you may well make an order to the employees of this organization.
Step 4
If you are not satisfied with this method of restoring work experience or you do not like the methods of the company's employees (according to the principle “it does not matter what to write, just to fill in the lines”), you will have to spend a lot of time in order to arrange everything yourself.
Step 5
If your work record is lost, contact the HR department of the organization where you work or have worked recently. No later than half a month later, you should be given a duplicate of the work book with records of general work experience, which is confirmed by other documents, as well as information about incentives (only for the last place of work).
Step 6
If you want to completely restore all entries in the work book, you will have to contact all institutions and organizations where you once worked with an application (or request) to search for your personal file. By law, personal files must be kept in the archives of an organization or institution for 75 years from the date of the employee's dismissal.
Step 7
If you have worked for a long time without formalizing an employment relationship, then you can only be helped by one of the firms that falsify work experience. This is a costly and unreliable business, despite the assurances of employees of such organizations. Decide if the experience acquired illegally is really so important to you.