How To Get Experience

How To Get Experience
How To Get Experience

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The first step up the career ladder is often hampered by the fact that employers mostly need specialists with professional experience. A person who does not have one can get it only by getting a job. Such is the vicious circle. Nevertheless, you can break it, and here everything depends on the candidate himself.


Step 1

If you think very well, you may already have some kind of experience: internship, practice, volunteer programs, manifestation of social activity, a trip to a student construction brigade, seemingly frivolous part-time jobs for pocket money. The presence of at least one of the above is already more advantageous to distinguish you from a competitor who does not even have this in his heart. This means that you already know what a working day is, a range of responsibilities, an area of responsibility, you have experience in building relationships with colleagues and management. It turns out that you do not need to teach (and sometimes venerable professionals also have to retrain - and not only when changing jobs or moving to another position).

Step 2

But even if all of the above is not yet available, you need to start sometime. It's good if you know what you want to get (or get) a profession and already know how to do something related to it. In this case, one should try, first of all, to pay attention to employment options that have one or another relation to the chosen field, and there may not be as few of them as it seems. In many companies, there are plenty of opportunities to apply energy to which it is simply unprofitable to distract experienced employees, but for a beginner, these routine and low-respected (and low-paid) activities are a great start. An unpaid internship may not be the worst option, but it brings the same experience, the absence of which prevents you from earning money.

Step 3

Problems with work and earnings, especially for beginners, in a particular area will often solve the huge opportunities that the Internet is fraught with. Many professions allow remote interaction, which allows you not to be limited to offers within one region, but if you know a foreign language - and the state. The portfolio, according to which the customer evaluates a professional performer, at first, can be completed with student work and made at leisure for the soul. With the appearance of the first order, it will be easier further.

Step 4

In an extreme case, when a job related to the chosen profession is not found in any way, it remains to remember that a titmouse in the hands is better than a crane in the sky, and focus on those proposals that are real.

For example, in "McDonald's", which is, probably, in every regional center, take everyone. This, of course, is not the best option, but not the worst either. There will be other similar options.

It's just that when the titmouse is finally in hand, one should not forget about the desired crane.
