“Higher education, knowledge of languages, work experience” - such requirements are found in the vast majority of vacancies. And even if you graduate from the university with honors and perfectly master English, German and Chinese, this does not guarantee that you will get a coveted position. And where to go to work without experience?

If you are a student looking for a part-time job, look for professions such as courier, posting, leaflet distributor. You won't make a lot of money in such a position, and there are no special career prospects, however, if you need a temporary job to provide yourself with pocket money, you may well try yourself in this field of activity. If you write well, you can get a job. freelance correspondent. Nobody will ask about your work experience, only the result will be important. If you sent an interesting and well-written note to the publisher, they will publish it and pay you a fee. In addition, having become familiar with the editorial office, you can well expect that the editor of the publication will want to see you among his regular contributors. Has a new shopping center, advertising agency, hotel, dolphinarium opened in your city? Try to get a job there. Often, young enterprises prefer to hire newcomers without work experience, in order to then train them in the process of work as required by the position. Often this turns out to be easier and more effective than retraining a specialist with many years of experience. Do you know who you would like to work for, you have the appropriate education, but without work experience the doors to the coveted profession are closed for you? Do not despair, but try to go the other way. Choose a company where there is a vacancy you need, and get a job there for a lower position, where they take without work experience. If you prove yourself well in front of your bosses, demonstrate knowledge in the right area, then, most likely, after some time you will achieve a transfer to the place where you originally wanted.