Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In accordance with article 61 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents have equal rights to a child and fulfill equal responsibilities for his upbringing and maintenance. When the parents divorce, the child is left to live with one of them, most often with the mother
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Certificate of ownership - a document confirming not only that the owner of the property is a given citizen, but also that information about this property and the owner of the rights to it are entered in the Unified State Register. If necessary, you can change this document by contacting the territorial agency of Rosreestr at the location of this property
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Enterprises and organizations - legal entities operating in the territory of the Russian Federation can do this only after they have passed the state registration procedure. Its confirmation is the Certificate of state registration of a legal entity and an extract from the unified state register, in which all information about legal entities is entered
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Russians can dissolve a marriage in a civil registry office (registry office) or in court. The first option is considered "peaceful", because spouses get divorced by mutual agreement, without making mutual claims. An application for divorce is filed in court when a married couple is raising minor children or does not have a consensus on the division of joint property, or one of the spouses does not at all agree to a divorce
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
A copy of the court's decision can be certified independently or with the help of a notary, the choice of a specific method depends on the place of presentation of the specified copy. In some cases, certification is not required, it is enough to have the original in order to confirm the authenticity of the copy, if necessary
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Some families break up. After some time, divorced men and women may want to remarry with other partners. But for this, according to the current legislation, they need to provide a certificate of dissolution of the previous marriage to the registry office
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When a marriage is dissolved by mutual consent, without any claims and the presence of minor children, the divorce occurs out of court. To do this, you need to contact the registry office and provide an application and a package of documents
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Many citizens who have already settled in the United States or are just packing their bags dream of obtaining American citizenship. However, getting a green card and an American passport is not so easy. So, you are a law-abiding citizen and permanently, without long trips abroad, have lived in the United States for about five years
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You should prepare for the court hearing on the recovery of alimony by collecting documents from the place of work, as well as certificates of marital status, the presence of dependents. In addition, you should follow the general rules of conduct in the process, enshrined in the civil procedure legislation
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Today, situations are not uncommon when a married couple does not find the time or opportunity to dissolve the marriage, but lives separately. Moreover, in this case, the minor child is often supported by only one parent. It is quite possible to file for alimony while married, and this should be done in a certain legislative order
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A large family is considered a family, which includes three or more minor children, as well as those who receive secondary or higher education in daytime departments. To help financially, the state provides these families with various types of benefits
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According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents have equal rights to their child. If, after the divorce of the spouses of a minor citizen, the mother brings up and does not do it well enough, the father can take the child for himself, but only on the basis of a court order
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Some marriages, alas, break up. Any of the spouses can initiate a divorce. If it is obvious that the old love no longer exists and the family cannot be saved, then perhaps a divorce will indeed be the best way out of this situation. Unpleasant questions immediately arise:
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In modern life, divorce is a fairly common occurrence. Close people suddenly become strangers. And sometimes the only solution is divorce. This is a rather complex psychological and legal problem. But if the situation is no longer resolved in a different way, consider the following points when applying for a divorce
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
You can get married with a foreign citizen without hindrance on the territory of the Russian Federation. You just need to prepare the necessary documents and contact the competent authorities. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, an individual who is not a citizen of Russia and who has the citizenship of another state is considered a foreigner
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Divorce proceedings are always unpleasant and sometimes undesirable for one of the spouses. When both husband and wife agree to a divorce and even agree on the division of property and rights to the child, the separation will not be long. But in the event that one spouse is against divorce, he may try to delay it using several simple methods
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
There are cases in life when an apartment, house, car or other property belonging to a husband, his wife needs to be re-registered as herself. In order to do this, there are several possible options: execution of a donation agreement, conclusion of a sale and purchase transaction, re-registration by a court decision
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The collection of monthly alimony is included, along with divorce, in the unofficial list of the most popular lawsuits. What passions sometimes do not flare up when one side (of course, mostly women) begins to demand money for a child. The other side is struggling to resist a completely legitimate demand
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The Family Code of the Russian Federation provides for the collection of alimony in a fixed amount. But they can only be collected under certain conditions. In this case, the court takes into account the material and marital status of both parties
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The wedding march of Mendelssohn died away, the festive fireworks with champagne corks died down, the bouquets in vases faded, and an ordinary family life began. Alas, not every couple keeps the promise to love “to the grave”, given quite recently
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After a divorce, children most often stay with their mother, and it is on her that all the care of their upbringing falls. Fathers quite often take part in the upbringing of children only as alimony payers, but some of them do not even do this
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A statement of non-payment of alimony should be written to the name of the bailiff, with the obligatory sending of a copy to the head of the corresponding department of the bailiff service. The statement should clearly state the factual circumstances, focusing on the specific dates on which the payment of alimony was stopped, the total amount of the payer's debt
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The question of whether it is possible to officially marry a sister is of interest to many. Someone asks it just out of curiosity, while someone really wants to tie the knot with a close relative. Is this possible in Russia? With a native - you can not It is categorically impossible if a sister is a daughter of the same parents
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If one of the parents refuses to voluntarily maintain a common child in favor of the second, alimony may be recovered in court. Alimony is collected by a court decision as a result of a claim proceeding, but there is also a simplified procedure for their appointment - through a court order
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The number of divorces among spouses with small children is constantly growing. And often one of the parents shies away from the responsibilities of raising and maintaining a child. In this case, it becomes necessary to file a claim for deprivation of parental rights
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According to article 34 of the RF IC and article 256 of the RF Civil Code, all spouses' property acquired in a registered marriage is a common shared property, regardless of which of them has a legal title. In the event of the death of the husband, the wife will be the heiress of the first priority, along with the children of the spouse and his parents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
To formalize the paternity of a person who is not married to the child's mother, you must submit an application to the registry office. The application must be submitted with the mother of the child. The registration of the father is made immediately after the birth of the child and the registration of the fact of birth with the civil registry offices
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The child can be registered in the joint living space of the spouses, as well as in the father's apartment or in the mother's apartment. To complete the registration, contact the passport department of your area, and provide a list of required documents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for several ways to dissolve a marriage. For persons who do not have common minor children, by mutual consent, divorce is provided for in the civil registry offices. This procedure is simplified and, of course, will require less time and effort than divorce in court
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The large number of divorces registered annually leads to the fact that children remain on the mother's support, and fathers only participate in their maintenance and upbringing. Unfortunately, it so happens that it is they who can withdraw from participation in the life of their children, and in this case a woman can go to court with a lawsuit, according to which she will demand to deprive her ex-husband of the rights to the child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Some girls claim that they will never part with their parental surname, while others dream of seeing their husband's surname in their passport. And in the driver's license, and in the work book. It remains to remember what to do and in what order
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If the child is not 14 years old, it is possible to register it with the grandmother only together with one of the parents with the consent of the second. This limitation is due to Art. 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Upon reaching this age, he can register on his grandmother's living space without parents
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Not everyone who wants to get a divorce can imagine how this can be done, what documents will be required, how to divide property, how to get child support payments, and where to apply at all. And many are interested in how to file a divorce as soon as possible
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In case of divorce of spouses, the child remains with one of them by voluntary agreement or in accordance with a court decision, if the issue of the minor's place of residence was considered controversial. The father at any time can file a repeated claim and sue the child from the mother if he thinks that he will be much better with him
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It is possible to deprive an ex-husband of the rights to a child only in court with the participation of the guardianship and guardianship authorities on the basis of Articles No. 69, No. 70 of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
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Unpreparedness for marriage and a frivolous attitude towards family responsibilities often become the true reasons for the dissolution of a marriage. More than half of those family unions that are concluded today are dissolved in a few years
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To deprive one or two parents at once of parental rights to a child is sometimes a more necessary measure. But it is impossible to do this simply at someone's request. After all, cases of this kind are considered in court. In this regard, at the first stage, it is necessary to correctly draw up a statement of claim
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Very often, life circumstances develop in such a way when the question arises about the discharge of a minor child from the apartment. This procedure is very difficult, but surmountable. And for this you need to know several very important nuances
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A lump sum is paid at the birth of a child. Its payment is guaranteed by the Federal Law and is made from the social insurance fund. You can issue and receive it at the place of work or study of one of the parents. For non-working parents in the body of social protection of the population (social security), at the place of registration of the child
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
In the event of divorce, controversial issues may arise about the division of property. For example, does maternity capital apply to jointly acquired property? In accordance with Russian legislation, a woman who has given birth and / or adopted a second and / or third child with Russian citizenship acquires the right to receive maternity capital