A large family is considered a family, which includes three or more minor children, as well as those who receive secondary or higher education in daytime departments. To help financially, the state provides these families with various types of benefits. The only thing that is needed for this is to arrange them correctly.

- - the passport;
- - certificate of family income;
- - birth certificates of children;
- - identification codes for children;
- - 2 photos 3x4 cm.
Step 1
Make sure your household is eligible. Having three minor children does not mean that you are entitled to certain discounts. Registration of benefits is done only if the average per capita income of your family does not exceed the subsistence level, which is slightly different in each region. To do this, first find out its value, then add all official income together and divide the amount received by the number of people in your family. If the average income per member does not exceed the subsistence level, proceed with the registration of benefits.
Step 2
Get identification codes for all children, without which you may not be included in the list of large families. To do this, contact the tax authority at the place of registration with a passport and birth certificates of children. Write a free-form statement about your desire to receive an identification code, fill out the form provided and after the time indicated for you, come to receive the required document. Usually the waiting time is about 10 days.
Step 3
Get a certificate of a large family. To do this, take 2 photos of each family member over 6 years old, certificates of official income and family composition, take a passport, birth certificates of children, identification codes for them and contact the social protection authorities at the place of your registration with these documents. There you will be included in the list of large families and issued a corresponding certificate. They will also issue certificates confirming your right to receive benefits.
Step 4
To receive specific benefits, for example, to pay for utilities, contact the relevant organization with the received certificate of a large family and a certificate of your eligibility for benefits. Then you are required to issue discounts in the amount established by the state.