Certificate of ownership - a document confirming not only that the owner of the property is a given citizen, but also that information about this property and the owner of the rights to it are entered in the Unified State Register. If necessary, you can change this document by contacting the territorial agency of Rosreestr at the location of this property.

- - application for re-issuance of the certificate;
- - the passport;
- - documents confirming changes in information about the property;
- - a receipt for payment of the state duty.
Step 1
According to Law No. 122-FZ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions Therewith", information about real estate objects and owners of rights to them must be entered into the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (USRR). State registration is carried out on the basis of an application that a citizen must submit to the territorial body of Rosreestr. On the basis of this application and documents of title, he is issued a Certificate of the established form, confirming his rights to this property. Any real estate transaction is impossible without the presentation of this certificate.
Step 2
Records are entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities based on the maintenance rules approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 219 of 18.02.1998. According to them, making amendments to the record is possible in cases where they do not relate to a significant change in the object, as well as the termination or transfer of rights to the real estate object. Such cases include:
- changes in passport data - name, surname or patronymic;
- change of the name of a legal entity or change of its legal address;
- changes in the technical characteristics of a real estate object due to reconstruction or reconstruction without changing its external boundaries;
- changing the purpose of the real estate object.
The procedure for making changes, as well as the registration procedure, is of a declarative nature, and the change of the certificate is made on the basis of the corresponding application.
Step 3
To obtain a new certificate, contact the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration of Cadastre and Cartography. Fill out the application form for re-issuance of the certificate and attach an identity document to it. You will also need to present documents confirming the need to make changes, for example, a certificate of marriage registration or change of surname or a new technical passport of the BTI, reflecting the reconstruction carried out.
Step 4
In the event that these changes do not entail legally significant actions, you will also need to pay a state fee to the federal budget for their entry into the USRR. Today it is 200 rubles. When an adjustment was required due to a technical error of the registering authority, the change of the title deed will be made free of charge. You must be issued a new Certificate within 20 calendar days after the date of application.