After in the Russian Federation all issues related to the awarding of the title of "Veteran of Labor", as well as the subsequent provision of benefits to veterans, began to be addressed by local authorities, obtaining this title for many people turns into a real headache, since the uniform rules for obtaining a veteran no status. In some regions, this title has stopped altogether. But if your region is not one of them, and the authorities do not skimp on benefits, get it by all means.

Step 1
Please carefully study the regional legislation governing the procedure for conferring the veteran title. Pay particular attention to the list of required rewards. If you have any state or departmental awards, check the compliance of your awards with the requirements not only with the social security authorities, but also with competent lawyers, since there are often discrepancies in the assessments of awards (especially those issued in the USSR).
Step 2
Don't wait for retirement age. If you have every reason to live.
Step 3
Take with you your passport, work record book and certificates confirming that you have the required work experience, and all documents for your state, government or departmental awards and titles (original and copy). It is also possible that in order to issue a Labor Veteran certificate, you will need your 3x4 photo.
Step 4
Write an application for awarding you the title of "Veteran of Labor" and show your documents to the social security worker to verify your data, as well as hand over the required certificates and copies of award documents.
Step 5
Wait while your application is considered by the regional executive authorities. This wait usually takes about 15 days. The authorities will communicate their decision to the social security authorities, and they, in turn, will inform you of the decision taken. If a decision is made to deny you the veteran title, the regional authorities will have to explain in detail the reasons for the refusal in writing.
Step 6
Don't be discouraged if you get rejected. Unfortunately, unreasonable refusals to award people with the well-deserved title of "Veteran of Labor" occur quite often. But this refusal can be appealed. If you are sure that you are right, contact the prosecutor's office. State your position there and get through the prosecutor to overturn the decision taken by the authorities.