How To Get The Title

How To Get The Title
How To Get The Title

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For several years now, some people have been literally overwhelmed by the desire to be a count / countess, or, at worst, to have some other title of nobility. Desire, in principle, is understandable, but the question is how to realize it. How to get a title that you can later elevate in your own eyes and the eyes of others?

How to get the title
How to get the title


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Step 1

Study your family history carefully and meticulously, it is quite possible that there were titled persons among your ancestors. If you find any, feel free to apply for the inheritance title.

Step 2

If among the ancestors you did not find titled ones, change your country of residence and give your new homeland your life, or at least courage and honor. This will help to get the title on merit, which is quite possible, although it is extremely rare, for example, in the UK.

Step 3

If the previous steps did not help, remember that you have money and simply buy the title. True, in this case you are unlikely to be able to become a real nobleman, but to satisfy your vanity in front of the guests is quite.

Step 4

Buying a title doesn't suit you? Raise your connections, with the help of them you can solve almost all issues.

Step 5

Take chance. A chance is an unpredictable thing, it is worth being in the right place at the right time and you are an absolute nobleman. To do this, it is worth rendering a service to the African local rulers, who, according to rumors, are distinguished by gratitude and may well bestow you with a local title.

Step 6

If all the chances have been tried, and you still have not got the title, assign it. Yes, sometimes it’s enough to change your name and proclaim yourself some kind of prince and there are quite a few people who believe in it, and if so, why not take this chance on the way to your dream?

Step 7

If this did not suit you, and you, for all other things, are a woman, then there is another shortest path to the title - to marry a nobleman.
