It is very important when conducting business correspondence with foreigners to correctly draw up the relevant documents. It is necessary to take into account not only all the rules of a foreign language, but also the accepted standards of registration. Many failures in negotiation are due precisely to the unwillingness to follow certain rules.

Step 1
To compose a business letter, you must use only A4 paper. Be sure to leave wide margins on the document so that the document can be filed in a folder in case of anything (the left and right margins should be 2.5 cm each, and the top margin should be at least 4 cm).
Step 2
At the top of the page, write the return address in reverse order. First enter your name and surname, then - office or apartment number, house number, street name, city, city code, region, country.
Step 3
Space it twice and include the date of the letter. The month can be specified in words or in numbers (for example, November 12, 2011). When sending a letter to the USA, the month should be written first, while in the UK the number is indicated first.
Step 4
On the right, enter the recipient's address in the same order of address. If you need to refer to a previously sent letter, then do it immediately before contacting using the link on the left side of the document ("Our ref. # Letter number", or "Your ref. #").
Step 5
Double-space again and write the appeal. If you know the addressee, then the letter begins with "Dear Mr …". If you are referring to a woman, then indicate "Mrs." (or "Ms." if she is not married or her social status is unknown). If the addressee is unknown, it is better to indicate "Dear Sir or Madam". Be sure to include a colon after your request.
Step 6
The text of the letter is written compactly, with single spacing. You need to write politely in any case. Skip two lines between paragraphs, do not use the "red line", because Americans and Europeans do not have such a concept.
Step 7
End the text on a positive note using common language (for example, "We are looking forward to hearing from you"). Please indicate how you can be contacted.
Step 8
Write your closing phrase (for example, "Yours truly"), space well and sign. The signature must be decrypted.