Nowadays, letters are a thing of the past and become a rarity. But this does not apply to business correspondence. Business letters are official documents. With their help, contacts are established, they record all stages of business relationships. And the ability to write a business letter speaks about the qualifications of the opponent in particular and the firm as a whole.

Step 1
Use company letterhead for writing business letters. Regardless of whether the letter is written on paper or in electronic form, it must have the logo of the sending company. Also, the form must contain the mailing address of the company, telephones and fax numbers, e-mail and website addresses.
Leave the margins - on the left side three centimeters, on the right one and a half centimeters. The fields are needed to bind the letter to an archive folder.
Step 2
Stick to a formal writing style. A business letter should be unambiguous and not subject to multiple interpretations. The email must include the subject of the email. Do not use emoticons in business correspondence.
If this is a continuation of the correspondence, leave the letter to which you are writing a response in the form of a quotation. You can quote the letter not in its entirety, but only those fragments to which you reply. This will make the connection between his letter and your reply clearer to your opponent.
Step 3
Start your letter with a polite address, for example: "Dear Petr Ivanovich!" The appeal is located in the center of the page. The name is written in full, the use of initials is unacceptable here.
After the appeal, an introductory part follows, in which the purpose of the letter is briefly formulated. The next section of a business letter is the main part, where the reasons for writing the letter, questions and ways of solving them are indicated in more detail. The letter ends with a summary and an appeal to the addressee with a specific proposal or a statement of what exactly you expect from the addressee to resolve the issue.
Step 4
Be correct in the final part. Don't make decisions for your recipients. It is better to express the hope that the problem will be solved in the best way in your opinion.
It is considered unethical to rush the addressee using the words "urgent" and "immediately". Use the correct form: "I ask you to give an answer in such and such a time."
The signature in the business letter must be official. For example: "Yours faithfully, Sergei Vasilievich Ivanov."
Include your job title, company name and contact information in your signature. If the business letter contains attachments, there must be an indication of this in front of the signature.