The fate of the planned case, further cooperation, and requests largely depends on the design and content of a business letter. You prepare this document and send it to your potential or current investor, partner. It plays the role of a credential by which the addressee will judge how seriously you need to be taken. It is an indicator of your competence, literacy and ability to present your case concisely and convincingly. There are general rules for the design of business letters, independent of their content.

Step 1
Write business letters on standard A4 sheets of writing paper. If you are writing on behalf of an organization, then use its letterhead, which contains the name, legal address, e-mail addresses, fax numbers and telephone numbers for communication. After receiving such a letter, the addressee will be able to contact you without any particular problems.
Step 2
Requirements for the out-of-frame document design, the width of the margins, the dimensions of the indents are set out in GOST R 6.30-2003 According to him, the width of the left one should be equal to 3 cm, of the right one - 1.5 cm. For writing business letters, you should use the standard Times New Roman font size 12. Pages are numbered if the letter is written on several pages. At the top of the first page is the registration outgoing number of the letter and the date of its registration.
Step 3
On the right, in the heading of the letter, the name of the position, the surname and initials of the recipient of the letter, the address of the organization to which the letter is sent are indicated. On the left, in a separate field, you must specify the subject of the letter.
Step 4
You should start a business letter with the address: "Dear sir (madam)" then insert the name and patronymic of the addressee. The first paragraph should begin with standard phrases: "We draw your attention", "We are glad to inform you", "Currently", etc. When addressing the recipient of the letter, always write the pronoun you, you with a capital letter. In the first paragraph, summarize the essence of your written appeal and move on to the main part.
Step 5
Use short, easy-to-read sentences to communicate your message. Break the text into logically separate paragraphs. Avoid unnecessary details, try to fit on one sheet.
Step 6
Start the last paragraph with the words “Based on the above” or “Considering the above”. After them, state your conclusion, request, proposal.
Step 7
In the event that additional materials will be attached to the letter, indicate a list with the numbers of the applications and their names, the number of sheets.
Step 8
Complete the letter with your job title, last name and initials, sign and number. If the letter was written on your behalf, then the performer at the bottom of the sheet must indicate his surname, initials and telephone number for communication, if the addressee needs clarification.