When receiving messages from a business partner, many try to respond to the received request as quickly as possible so as not to keep the partner waiting. And this is correct - in this case, time often matters, which is difficult to overestimate. But without thinking too much about the form of the answer, few people think that by doing this he can deal a blow to the company's reputation.

Step 1
To begin with, carefully study the questions set out in the letter of the counterparty. Prepare a short answer for each item, if there are more than one. Now proceed with the design of the letter-response to the request. To do this, take the company letterhead, with the logo and company details printed on it. If this does not exist, type the header of the letter, indicating the necessary information in it, manually. Placing details in a letter is very valuable to your business partner. By offering them in each message, you save him from the need to search for them in a pile of papers or computer files each time, as well as from the need to make a separate request for details if he wants to draw up a new contract or pay an invoice.
Step 2
In the upper right corner, write the details of the addressee of the letter. Here enter the name of the organization, the position of the author of the request and his full name. On the contrary, in the left corner, select the lines for the outgoing number, which will be assigned to the document upon registration, and the date. In this case, the name of the document is not written. Start immediately by addressing by name and patronymic, after the word "Dear". In the substantive part of the letter, the first words will be "In response to your letter, we inform you" (request, demand, etc.). Next, write down all the prepared answers point by point, adhering to the sequential numbering that was in the original letter.
Step 3
In the final part, express your request, wish or requirements, remembering to adhere to a respectful tone, business writing style and be literate. End the letter with the words "Sincerely" and state your full name and position. In addition, write here your phone number for communication and e-mail, if you want to receive a response letter or comments on what was said in the letter.