In the life of any person, situations arose when it was necessary to receive an answer from any organization. To receive an answer to a request is exactly the situation about which one can say: "As you ask, you will receive it."

Step 1
Any person has the right to receive information concerning him personally or related to his personality. But you should be aware that there is a database, access to which is prohibited or limited, and an unreasonable refusal to provide information can be appealed, as well as its failure to provide information.
Step 2
The most important thing is to correctly compose and send the request.
1. The request contains the exact and full name of the organization or official in whose name it is addressed.
2. The essence of the request relates to the competence of the person or body to which it is directed.
3. Officials of the majority of state bodies, having determined that giving a response is beyond their competence, are obliged to forward the request to the instance and notify the initiator about it. But this takes time, and the initiator does not always have him at his disposal, so it is better to clarify such moments immediately.
4. The request is drawn up competently, with an accurate description of its essence and indication of the information that is necessary to give a concrete and objective answer, and which is available to the initiator. The more accurately the request is made, the faster it will be answered.
5. The request is made in two copies, a copy is kept for themselves.
6. The request is usually sent by mail with a notification, then it will be known for sure whether it has been received or not. It is also sent by e-mail, or left on the organization's website, especially since such a function is currently introduced on most websites of state (municipal) bodies and institutions.
7. The letter of appeal can be personally taken to the organization or institution. Ask the person who accepted your request to put the incoming number and date on your copy. In this case, it will be easier to appeal for violation of the deadline for giving an answer, if any.
8. The request must be signed and include your contact information. Even if your address is indicated on the envelope, it is better if it also appears in the request. Anonymous requests are not subject to review and response.
9. In every institution, organization, body, every official there are statutory deadlines for responding to citizens' inquiries. They may vary depending on the complexity of the request, but, as a rule, do not exceed one month. The deadline for giving a response should be specified separately in a specific case.
Step 3
When sending a request, remember that in any case, the addressee must respond to it and inform you in writing about the decision.