There is such a concept of "business customs". Under this capacious definition - all the traditions adopted in the environment of official business relations. Official correspondence remains one of the main mechanisms of business interaction. Officials, businessmen and public organizations communicate through messages prepared according to general rules.

Reason for writing
No matter how boring and insignificant the preparatory stage of drawing up an official appeal may seem, it cannot be neglected. The reason for preparing the document should be clearly formulated.
Before composing an official letter, it is important to accurately determine the addressee. After determining the subject matter of the message, it is necessary to check whether this issue falls within the scope of the addressee's competence. If in doubt, it is better to examine the issue of competence in the regulations and other normative documents of the organization.
Request type
After the topic and addressee have been determined, you should think about the type of appeal.
An official letter should be written if necessary:
- Inform the addressee. Most often, newsletters are sent from lower-level recipients to higher-level recipients;
- Contact the addressee with a test, which implies further actions on his part. So they turn either to a superior person or to an equal in position;
- Give an assignment. This type of address is only suitable for addressing a subordinate.
Individuals applying to authorities, enterprises or other structures most often use the form of request-request.
Form of official appeal
The harsh conditions of official-business interaction make the form of appeals no lower than the content. In order for the letter to reach the addressee, and not get lost in the labyrinths of the office, it must be drawn up according to all the rules.
Organizations draw up letters on official letterhead, assign an outgoing number and indicate the date. To promptly clarify the issues of appeal, it is important to indicate the full name and contact information of the contractor. They appear on the last sheet of the letter in the footer.
Individuals draw up applications on blank A4 sheets in typewritten form and, in rare cases, in handwritten form.
For organizations, only the position and name of the addressee is indicated in the header of the appeal, i.e. information about the author of the appeal and contact details are given on the official form. Individuals will have to supplement the header with their own data, including a contact phone number and an address to which a response must be sent.
On the left, the details of the letter are indicated, and below the wording of the topic of the appeal: "About rewarding", "About providing information", "About a personal meeting", etc.
The style of the official appeal
The official business style is used to compose official letters. The main principles of this style are consistency, unambiguity and clarity of presentation. In business correspondence, colloquial formulations, the use of vernaculars, not to mention swear words and swear words, are unacceptable. Even the most disturbing events in official correspondence should be presented in a neutral tone without any emotional color.
It is good practice to follow a clear and logical structure of sentences and paragraphs. This greatly simplifies the perception of information by the reader.
The structure of the official appeal
An official letter begins with an appeal: ". This is followed by a preamble, in which one should answer the question: "Why is the appeal written, on behalf of whom and for what reason." It might look like this:
Following from the general to the particular, an explanatory part is introduced, which reflects the specifics. If a complaint is written - the chronological essence of the conflict. In the letters of invitation, the explanatory part contains information about the place, date and time of the event, its organizers and the form of participation of the addressee.
Any official appeal ends with a direct listing of the request. For example: ", ", ", etc.