Most companies prefer that the employee speaks English. This applies to almost any job: secretary, lawyer, account manager, etc. What can immediately demonstrate knowledge of the English language better than a well-written resume in English?

Step 1
As a general rule, a good resume should be in two languages - Russian and English. If you are sending your resume to a foreign company and you are sure that first of all foreign employees will read it, then a resume in English and a cover letter to it - also in English will be enough.
Step 2
An English CV is a translation of your Russian CV. However, it is worth remembering certain nuances when translating:
1. A resume in English is usually denoted as CV (stands for curriculum vitae). The abbreviation CV is widely used in all English-speaking countries;
2. Please note that dates in English are indicated either briefly (for example, 2011-11-20), or as follows: Novermber 20th, 2011 (i.e. first comes the month, then the day, and then the year);
3. be sure to look in the dictionary as a lawyer : there is a paralegal and a legal assistant. In America, the position called paralegal involves the performance of administrative duties rather than legal ones, and it is often occupied by people without legal education. Therefore, it is worth checking the title of the position in the dictionary and see the grid of positions in English of the company to which you are sending your resume;
4. do not forget about the cover letter: foreign employers may simply refuse to view the resume without a cover letter.
Step 3
In your resume, state your level of English proficiency as objectively as possible. It is hardly worth writing that your level of English is close to advanced (very high), if you are not very sure that you wrote your resume correctly, without mistakes (nevertheless, this is a fairly simple task for those who really speak English at the advanced level) …
Step 4
A lot depends on the resume: an illiterate resume will make a bad impression on the employer. Therefore, if you are not very confident in your knowledge of the English language or are compiling a resume in English for the first time, it is best to first show it to someone who already has successful experience of interacting with foreign employers, or at least someone who knows English at a higher level.