When applying for a job in a foreign company, applicants are faced with the need to write an autobiography or resume in English. In Russia, these concepts are most often used as equivalent, although the autobiography presupposes a more detailed disclosure of information. In other countries, the terms “Curriculum Vitae” and “Resume” are used.

Step 1
“Curriculum Vitae” is Latin for “life path” or “life course” and is denoted by the abbreviation CV. Usually a CV is used in scientific, medical and journalistic circles, since it contains a full description of the candidate: educational institutions, special courses, internships, scientific works, achievements, publications, etc. The volume of a CV can reach tens or even hundreds of pages if the author cites excerpts from his works.
Step 2
In most companies, the applicant is required "Resume" - a summary of information on no more than 2 A4 pages, which can be supplemented with cover letters and letters of recommendation of 1 page.
Step 3
A standard resume includes the following sections:
- personal data - Personal Information;
- the position for which you are applying - Objective;
- information about education - Education;
- information about previous jobs - Career, Occupation, Employment, Work Experience;
- acquired skills and achievements - Skills;
- knowledge of languages - Languages;
- additional information - Side Personal Information;
- recommendations - References.
Step 4
In the “Personal Information” section, write your first name, first letter of middle name and last name: “Vadim S. Korolev”. Indicate your contacts: postal address, home and mobile phone numbers, e-mail.
Step 5
Indicate the position you want to take in the company: “Objective Office Manager”. An additional plus will be the statement in the summary of their plans, which can benefit the employing company.
Step 6
In the "Education" section, first indicate the educational institutions that you graduated from, and after that - additional education: courses, seminars, trainings, after which a diploma or certificate is issued. Provide detailed information in this order: specialty ("Lawyer") - faculty ("Law Faculty") - higher education ("Moscow State University"). You can find the correct name of your university in English on its website.
Step 7
When filling out the “Career” section, list your previous jobs in descending order, indicating the period of employment (“May 2000 - September 2010”), position held (“Economist”), department (“Financial Department”), company name (“Motor Service” Ltd.), city (“Astrakhan”), country (“Russia”), job descriptions in brief.
Step 8
From the “Skills” section, the employer will find out what computer programs you own (MS Office, Adobe Photoshop), whether you have a driver's license and what category, as well as other skills and abilities that make you a desirable candidate for the position.
Step 9
In the “Languages” item, you need to indicate what languages you speak and to what extent: fluent - fluent, read and translate - working knowledge, with a dictionary - basic knowledge.
Step 10
Further, in the "Side Personal Information" section, describe yourself as a responsible and executive employee, indicating your best features in your autobiography: purposefulness - purposefulness, accuracy - exactness, punctuality - punctuality, etc. Be sure to include your favorite sport and hobby on your resume so that the employer sees you as a versatile personality.
Step 11
At the end of your CV, list employers who can give you good references. You can attach a letter of recommendation to your resume, or you can provide the address where a potential employer can apply for information about you: “Letters of Reference is available upon request from“Motor Service”Ltd., Pushkin St., 21, Astrakhan, Russia”.