When Is The Best Time To Go On Vacation

When Is The Best Time To Go On Vacation
When Is The Best Time To Go On Vacation

The question of when is the best time to go on vacation arises for all employees. After all, I want to spend my vacation as useful as possible without significant financial losses. In addition, your choice may not always be quite the bosses who let you go on vacation with a certain favor.

When is the best time to go on vacation
When is the best time to go on vacation

Rarely does an employer take into account the interests of hired personnel, is ready to make concessions and get into a situation: someone needs to keep an eye on a first-grader in September; another needs a spring month to open the dacha season, the third is a fan of snow-covered slopes and extreme sports, a lover to relax in winter; the fourth, for 10 years, did not go to the sea with his family in the summer, etc. If you are lucky with your boss, and he is just that - empathetic and understanding, then you can think about, and when is it better to go on vacation?

What to start from

When choosing a time for your vacation, you should proceed from several points. Think about whether you will have the opportunity to truly rest during your chosen period. In order to appear at work with renewed vigor, it is advisable to move away from your native places - abroad, to the nearest resort, to a sanatorium, etc. If there is such a chance, then we immediately go on vacation.

Decide what time of year it will be best for you to plan your vacation. For example, if you are an avid summer resident and do not plan to leave the city, then it is best to take the spring-summer period. For fans of ice slides, snowboarding, etc., of course, winter is suitable. Pick a time of year that you can make the most of.

Evaluate whether you still have the strength to work or the feeling of a squeezed lemon does not leave and there is no desire to stay further in this state and test your body at the limit of its capabilities.

Which month to choose

In months with many holidays, such as January and May, the amount of vacation pay will be lower. This is due to the fact that according to the Labor Code, holidays are not included in vacation and, accordingly, are not paid. But you can rest with them much longer. It is much more profitable to take a vacation in the summer months - July and August. If you choose a different period, then do not forget to be guided by the production calendar.

Should you break your vacation into pieces?

An ordinary Russian vacation is 28 days. The Labor Code establishes a mandatory part of it for at least 14 calendar days. The employee can take the remaining two weeks at his discretion - at least by day, if the bosses do not mind. It is worth noting, however, that dividing the vacation into parts is not profitable. Weekends adjoining the five working days that count towards vacation are not paid. If you take a whole week, then the financial reward is provided for Saturday and Sunday.

Financial benefit

The amount of vacation pay directly depends on income. Rest days are paid at the rate of average earnings. And it is considered the addition of the salary and bonuses accrued for the year, divided by 12 months and another average monthly number of calendar days - 29, 4, provided that the entire month has been worked out in full (without sick leave and vacation pay). The resulting number is the average earnings per day, and it is multiplied by the number of days of rest. This displays the amount of vacation pay. Based on these calculations, it is more profitable to go on vacation after paying bonuses and all kinds of incentive allowances.
