Every employed person is entitled to annual paid leave. This leave consists of 28 calendar days, but can be increased in the case of work in the Far North or equivalent regions. Also, if you work in harmful conditions, the employer is obliged to increase the vacation in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Vacation is calculated in calendar days, holidays recognized by law are not included in vacation.

Step 1
First, you need to calculate the number of months you have worked, or rather seniority. It should not include maternity leave, parental leave, or absenteeism for no valid reason.
Step 2
To calculate the vacation time, you need to divide the number of vacation days (standard vacation is 28 calendar days) by the number of calendar months.
Step 3
The resulting figure will be equal to the number of days of the prescribed vacation. Remember that vacation can be divided into several parts. The main thing is that one of its components should not be less than two weeks.