How To Sell A Pencil In A Job Interview

How To Sell A Pencil In A Job Interview
How To Sell A Pencil In A Job Interview

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“Sell me, for example, this pencil” - and the interviewer hands you a pencil from his desk. In place of a pencil, there may be a stapler, tape, ballpoint pen - anything that can be found on the desk in the office. How to get out of this situation?

How to sell a pencil in a job interview
How to sell a pencil in a job interview


Step 1

A good salesperson needs to know his product intimately. Therefore, before you sell a pencil, study it. It will not be superfluous to voice all your actions to the interviewer, for example: “I want to know well what I am selling. So this is a simple pencil. It's automatic. There is an eraser on the back end of the pencil and it has already been used a little. And inside there is a container for spare rods."

Step 2

A good salesperson needs to know the needs of their customers. Usually this information is taken from various public opinion surveys, but you do not have such data. So now you need to ask your interviewer, for example: “Now I want to meet my customer. May I ask you a few questions? So, imagine that you already have a simple pencil. What is he? What could make you buy another plain pencil instead of yours? Do you care about the price, the manufacturer, the color of the case, the number of replacement rods?”Come up with other questions based on your own experience.

Step 3

A good salesperson must present their product skillfully. The presentation shouldn't be faceless. Now that you know your customer's preferences, you can properly introduce your product to them. Try to emphasize exactly what the interviewer mentioned as important qualities. Do not hesitate to come up with a promotion or "unique offer" - you are not limited in the choice of tools, the only task is to sell a pencil. Sometimes there are problems with coming up with a price. It can be solved, for example, as follows. At the end of the presentation, ask the interviewer: "Curious, at what price would you be willing to buy this pencil right now?" As soon as he mentions a number, nod: "Ok, let's checkout."

Step 4

It so happens that the interviewer complicates your task, refuses to answer questions or denies that he needs this product. Don't put pressure on him. Explain to him (as an interviewer, not a customer) that you understand that there are situations when the customer does not need this product. You think that wasting time on the presentation is counterproductive and bad for building a long-term relationship with that client. Returning to your role again, say, for example, the following: “I see that this pencil is not interesting to you. There are many more useful office supplies in our store. Let me show you some of them. If the interviewer agrees to this option, start over with a different subject.
