An interview for many people is a fear of rejection or shame. Someone is afraid to simply make a mistake or to say or do something wrong. Therefore, the question arises: "How to behave correctly at an interview?" After all, isolation and closeness when hiring are not welcome, therefore it is necessary to prepare as much as possible for this event.

First of all, in order to successfully pass the interview, because if the employer asks an unexpected question, you can simply get confused and show your insincerity. Try and, which is very important. Try to relax a little, tension and fear, they can only frighten off at the interview and indicate your secrecy, isolation. Speak a lot, but do not cross the line, always only on the topic, briefly and clearly., at the same time, it may be necessary to clarify each point, try to understand what you are talking about. Speech should be literate, exclude the words parasites, as well as foul language.
Do not forget about a neat clean suit, makeup, hairstyle will help in making a positive decision at a job interview with women. Men need to be clean-shaven and neat. It is better not to use a harsh perfume, let it be a light and fresh scent, not cloying for an opponent. Shoes must be clean. Even if there is a swamp outside, go to the restroom and prepare your shoes, because this is the criterion that speaks about neatness and cleanliness.
No matter how difficult it is, you need to sleep well and not be late for the appointed time. - a valuable quality when applying for a job.
Consider all of the above points and the interview will only be successful., this will be the main benefit. Self-confidence will allow you to achieve a good result, therefore, gather all your strength into a fist and go to the employer.