Sooner or later, every person is faced with such a phenomenon as an interview. It doesn't matter where you get a job: in a huge corporation or a small office - you need to make an impression on the employer favorably.

Step 1
Actually, before the interview itself, you should look for information about the host company: date of creation, what it does, etc. Because often employers ask the question “Why did you choose our company?”, And then it would be nice to tell a little about it, to emphasize its advantages in contrast to other companies.
Step 2
Also, before the interview itself, you need to think over the questions in advance, and therefore the answers to them. Especially if there are any “blank spots” on your resume. That is, the employer may be interested in why you held your last job for only 2 months or, moreover, did not work for several years. A thoughtful answer will relieve the tension in the conversation.
Step 3
Be yourself. You shouldn't try to show you to someone you really are not. It may seem to you that your speech sounds harmonious and beautiful, but from the outside it is more visible when a person is trying to embellish his qualities and capabilities. From here, remember once and for all - you do not need to lie at the interview.
Step 4
Don't talk too much. Try to answer only the questions posed. Of course, sometimes it will be appropriate to recall some harmless joke, but so that it does not affect the company and the employer himself. Also, never interrupt - this paragraph helps in negotiations in general, and not just in the interview.
Step 5
Don't overestimate the value of the interview. Even if you think it ended in failure, don't panic. After talking with you, the employer will carefully study your resume and only then will come to a conclusion. After all, everyone understands that at interviews people are worried and may say something wrong.