Situations when you have to say “no” to bosses, colleagues or subordinates arise with one or another frequency for almost everyone. There is no need to be afraid of them. A polite, but firm and reasoned refusal does not mean automatically spoiled relationships and problems in the future. Rather, the ability to refuse will add respect to the employee and reduce the number of his future problems.

Step 1
The most important thing is the arguments on the basis of which you are not going to do what you are asked to do (what is entrusted to you, what is required of you, depending on the situation). For example, the actions desired by a colleague, boss or subordinate are contrary to the law, corporate regulations, your life and professional principles, and are not part of your job responsibilities.
Compliance with a subordinate's request can be hindered by both corporate norms and the current situation in the company (for example, it is not possible to give leave or time off at the time the employee wants).
Step 2
Regarding the list of official duties, the situation, however, is somewhat more complicated. In many companies, refusing to do work on this basis can put a fat end on the future career of an employee, especially if he is a newbie. Here we must proceed from what kind of work is entrusted.
If it allows you to expand your professional horizons, it is better to treat it as a chance for professional growth.
The argument can work if the assignment is below your qualifications and distracts you from more qualified, even better urgent work. If there is a colleague at hand whose execution of the task is less costly for the company, then it is more expedient to involve him.
Step 3
Even if the one who asks you and demands something or something is fundamentally wrong, it will not be superfluous to use words such as "sorry" and "unfortunately" in the response refusal. This will not interfere with communication not only with the boss and colleague, but also with the subordinate. In a situation when they ask for a service that you cannot provide for some objective reason, make it clear that you would be happy to help in a different situation.
In any case, think also about what alternative you can offer, and voice it: carry out the assignment in a different way, involve another in the execution, release a subordinate at a different time, etc.