Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Amnesty is the termination of criminal prosecution of a citizen on the basis of a decision of the President, that is, it is a kind of pardon for certain categories of citizens, tied to some significant historical date. Amnesty is announced by the President of the country on the basis of a draft law developed by the State Duma
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The formation of a legal entity is one of the forms of conducting economic, commercial or other economic activities. A legal entity can fully exercise its property and non-property rights and act in court as a defendant or a plaintiff, as a full-fledged subject of economic activity
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
At the end of each reporting period, chief accountants are responsible for the reporting and calculation of P&L. In the event of a negative financial result, difficulties may arise in meeting the requirements of PBU 18/02 "Accounting for Income Tax Calculations"
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
The final stage of the forensic examination is the opinion given by the expert, which is sent to the court that appointed the examination. The presented opinion may contain inaccuracies, be biased, incomprehensible for the participants in the trial and the judge
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Cadastral registration of land plots is carried out in accordance with Article 28 of the Federal Law of January 2, 2000. All plots are subject to accounting, regardless of the form of ownership, intended purpose and type of permitted use. To carry out cadastral registration, you should receive from the owner, owner or his notary trustee a package of necessary documents, on the basis of which the registration is made
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Russian legislation in the law on mass media proclaims freedom and independence of all types of media. In addition, it contains all the basic concepts and definitions in the field of mass media, regulates those aspects of their activities that cannot be limited
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Property legal relations are one of the most common legal relations between people. Purchase and sale, donation, rent, mortgage, loan - all these are legal methods of property management. But it is sometimes quite difficult to understand many legal terms, to study the basic requirements of legislation without special training
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For a person who cannot imagine life without a car, the loss of a driver's license for any reason becomes almost a disaster. After all, he suddenly finds himself in a completely different world, alien and unfamiliar. Why are they deprived of their rights?
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If for some reason you cannot attend the court session and participate in the process, issue a power of attorney to represent your interests in court and conduct the case. Instructions Step 1 Before issuing a power of attorney, decide on the circle of persons whom you can really entrust to take part in the process instead of you
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A garage in the city has become both a luxury and a necessity. This is due to the increasing number of their own cars that require a parking space. Therefore, you should take care in advance of obtaining ownership of the garage, so that one day it will not be demolished
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To get a legal entity, you need to create one. There are various organizational and legal forms of legal entities, the most common, easy to register and least expensive is a limited liability company (LLC). To register a legal entity, you need to contact the tax office
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According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services" dated July 14, 2010, in order to simplify the interaction of citizens with state and local government bodies, a program of measures has been developed and is being implemented that provides for the possibility of electronic access for citizens to these services
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The words "crime" and "offense" are heard quite often. Moreover, even a person using these terms in speech cannot always clearly formulate what they mean. This is especially true for offenses. Meanwhile, in the legal literature, this definition is disclosed in sufficient detail
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After opening, the inheritance must be accepted within the period established by law. Various situations and circumstances may lead to the fact that within six months the heir did not apply for the acceptance of the inheritance and then the term is considered missed
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Any construction should be legalized without fail as soon as possible. For these cases, Russian legislation has two options. The first is when the land plot is privatized and there are title documents for it, and the second option is when they are not
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A wide variety of life situations, at times, force us to resort to documentary, financial, land management, economic, automotive and other types of expertise. An independent expert assessment may relate to the quality of a particular type of product, the environmental situation and other diverse areas of human life
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The activity of an individual entrepreneur begins in accordance with Article 23 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Termination of activities is regulated by Federal Law 129-F3. To close an individual entrepreneur, you should collect a number of documents and contact the tax office, in which the opening of the business took place
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Increasingly, in the press you can find articles about the installation of xenon bulbs on a car. And this event has acquired a completely new meaning in the eyes of the traffic police. In this article, we will consider whether it is worth installing a xenon lighting system on your car
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A complaint to any authority is filed when the result is already available, but it does not satisfy you for one reason or another. The right to appeal is governed by the following legislative acts: in civil cases - Article 320 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, in criminal cases - Art
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Depending on the age, situation, conditions, material, criminal, disciplinary or administrative liability may be applied to a minor. They begin at the age of 16, but there are situations when the case is considered at a younger age. Every offender, including a minor, is legally responsible
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In civil proceedings, one form of judgment is a court order. It is issued when the case is indisputable and does not cause particular difficulty. However, this does not mean that the court order cannot be appealed. What is considered a court order A court order is a decision taken by a judge alone, without summoning the parties and holding court hearings
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From January 1, 2017, the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ comes into force, in accordance with which the Unified State Register of Real Estate and the Unified Registration Registration System with an increased degree of security for storing information in an electronic database are being created
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Russia occupies one of the first places in the world for the consumption of cigarettes. According to statistics, about 40% of the population smokes in the country. The Russian government is considering a number of measures that could reduce these indicators
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An appeal to the Arbitration Court for the protection of violated rights is most often trusted by professional lawyers, since this entire procedure is regulated by the relevant laws of the Russian Federation. But, given the requirements listed in Art
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The time of entry of federal laws into full force is counted from the date of their official publication. There is a general period during which any law is considered to be in force, and special periods, which are provided for in the regulations themselves
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On Wednesday, June 20, 2012, the State Duma in the first reading adopted a new bill establishing a ban on advertising of beer and low-alcohol products on Russian Internet sites. According to the requirements of the new bill, advertising of beer, as well as other low-alcohol products with an ethyl alcohol content of less than 5%, will be completely banned on Internet sites registered as mass media
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According to the Tax Code, every law-abiding citizen is obliged to pay taxes on time at the first request sent by the tax authorities. For late payment on the submitted claims, a penalty is charged in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each day of delay
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You can understand the numerous codes by studying the entire system of domestic legislation and the place of codified acts in this system, as well as their internal structure. Most of the codes are built on the same principle, which greatly simplifies their study
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Bill No. 89417-6 was introduced to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on June 7, 2012 by four deputies-members of four Duma factions on behalf of the Committee on Family, Women and Children. He proposes changes to four existing laws that should make it difficult for children to access information harmful to health
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The Tax Code provides for many different requirements for the UTII payer. If they are not met, the payer will be transferred to the general taxation system. To avoid this, it is necessary to maintain the number of employees required by the law at the enterprise, not to exceed the standards of the occupied area and to pay the tax amount on time
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Since 2012, residents of all apartment buildings in Russia have seen a new line in their receipts - payment for major repairs. This payment turned out to be mandatory. However, not everyone agreed with this state of affairs, so many opposed the extra payment and began to deliberately ignore it
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Legal norms are designed to regulate the processes taking place in human relationships at the level of civil society, as well as in business and politics. The procedure for their development depends on many factors related, including the political system of the state, the international situation, historical and cultural heritage
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On the territory of the Russian Federation, the Law on Weapons is in force, which entered into force in 1997. According to this legal act, there are several cases when a license for the storage and use of weapons can be canceled, as well as the weapon itself and its cartridges can be seized
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Many people at least occasionally come across information in the press that an organization has ceased to exist. One of the reasons for the closure of the company could be bankruptcy. What is the bankruptcy of a legal entity from different points of view?
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Compensation for moral damage in the form of monetary compensation is the norm. The law does not clearly indicate the amount of compensation, but it must be commensurate with the moral damage caused. The Constitution of the Russian Federation states:
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The Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993, is in effect today as amended on July 25, 2003. This is the main law of the country that establishes the norms of law, on the basis of which constitutional and legal regulation is carried out and all other normative acts, both global and local, are developed
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Many managers, directors and employees of companies are faced with the need to liquidate legal entities. This occurs when it is necessary to terminate the activity or existence of any enterprise or counterparty. An important step in this process is the decision to liquidate
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It is the way human society is arranged that everyone must abide by certain laws and fulfill duties. However, many people prefer not to remember this, especially when they occupy certain positions. That is why in civil society it is necessary not only to respect the rights of others, but also to remember about our own, demanding their strict implementation
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Stun guns (especially those with good penetration) are a good civilian self-defense weapon. In principle, it is not difficult to make them yourself. Almost all parts for this can be found on the free market. But is it legal? Legal implications of creating a homemade stun gun The production and circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law No
Last modified: 2025-01-23 08:01
Ignorance of the laws does not relieve Russian citizens of responsibility. Meanwhile, many of us often violate articles of the Administrative Code, not knowing about it and not knowing what the threat is. Dirty car With the arrival of spring, the traffic police is conducting a raid on Russian roads called "