Russian legislation in the law on mass media proclaims freedom and independence of all types of media. In addition, it contains all the basic concepts and definitions in the field of mass media, regulates those aspects of their activities that cannot be limited. The law also contains the rules for registering mass media and the procedure for disseminating various information by them.

Activities recognized as permissible
According to the law on the media, it is prohibited to restrict the following activities:
- search, receive and disseminate information by any legal means;
- register, own, use and dispose of the media;
- buy, independently manufacture, store and use technical equipment, devices, raw materials and materials used in the preparation and distribution of information products.
Basic concepts and definitions
The law sets out the basic concepts used in the media sphere and gives them an unambiguous definition.
Mass information is audio materials, printed materials, video materials and messages intended for a wide range of people. Thus, print media, video or film programs, radio and television, as well as all other forms of dissemination of information to an indefinite circle of persons are recognized as mass media.
Mass media production is a circulation or part of a circulation of a periodical printed publication, audio and video recordings, as well as individual releases of radio, television and film programs.
Distribution of media products is the sale of products in various forms, including subscription, distribution and delivery.
Specialized mass media are those mass media in respect of which the legislation provides for special rules for their registration, activity, and dissemination of information.
The editorial office is the body that directly manufactures and releases media products. The editorial board is recognized as an institution or enterprise, as well as an individual or a number of persons. The editor-in-chief is the editor-in-chief.
A journalist is an individual, independently or with the help of someone else, to search, receive, edit and create materials intended for the editorial office. A journalist must necessarily be associated with the editorial office by labor or contractual relations, or engage in his activities according to special powers granted by the editorial office.
Prohibition of censorship
The law on mass media states that no person, organization, public association, state body or official has the right to demand any kind of approval of their products from the mass media.
It is prohibited to restrict in any way the distribution of media products, materials, messages and parts thereof.
It is forbidden to create, finance any organization, involve individuals and groups of persons for the purpose of censoring the media.
However, there are also exceptions. If the author of the audio-video material, print publication is an official or if this person gives an interview.
Restrictions on media activities
The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the mass media from abusing freedom of speech and freedom of the media. This means that information products should not:
- be used to commit criminal offenses;
- disclose secrets and secrets protected by law;
- call citizens to terrorist activities;
- encourage terrorism and extremism in any of its manifestations;
- promote violence, brutality and pornography.
It is forbidden to use any technical means of influencing the consciousness of citizens and negatively affecting their health. Among them: hidden inserts in television and radio programs, video and films, special computer files, word processing programs.
It is forbidden to disseminate information about the methods of preparation and use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs (and their analogues), to illuminate the places of their distribution.
It is forbidden to distribute other information that is not subject to disclosure in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
The media law contains many requirements and rules for advertising.
For example, the law does not allow unfair and inaccurate advertisements to be released. Unfair advertising is understood as an incorrect comparison of the advertised product with its counterparts, advertising that spoils the reputation of competitors' products and the competitors themselves. Unfair advertising also refers to advertising of prohibited goods and unfair competition from an antitrust point of view. Unreliable advertising is considered to be the provision of knowingly inaccurate information about a product or service.
In addition, advertising should not incite the audience to commit illegal actions, contain calls for cruelty and violence, create a negative attitude towards people who do not use the advertised product. Advertising carriers (billboards, banners) should not interfere with the traffic safety of any type of transport.
In advertising, it is prohibited to use pornographic materials, scenes of smoking and drinking alcohol, distort information using foreign words and expressions, refer to the state that approves the advertising product.
Among other things, in advertising:
- it is forbidden to use obscene language and insults;
- it is forbidden to carry out propaganda through advertising;
- prices for goods and services should be indicated only in the currency of the Russian Federation (rubles), and only in cases of extreme necessity - in foreign currency;
- it is prohibited to introduce advertisements into educational books for children (textbooks, teaching materials).
Print Journalism Regulations
The press is instructed to indicate in each copy of the printed publication the name of the publication, the list of founders, the full name of the editor-in-chief, the issue number and the date of its publication. Moreover, newspapers are obliged to indicate the time of signing the issue for printing, the index of the publication, the circulation, the cost of one copy and the address of the editorial office.
It is prohibited to carry out propaganda or advertising in print media:
- smoking;
- drinking alcoholic beverages;
- medical services offering abortion.
Regulation of controversial situations
At the moment, television produces a large number of television programs and programs exposing lawbreakers. At the same time, the authors of these programs and programs believe that in this way they protect the rights of consumers. Journalists and film crews purchase products and services in order to test their quality, which turns out to be extremely low. At the same time, media workers hide behind the law on the media in their activities.
In many cases, the filming of these programs involves scandals. A striking example is the program "Revizorro" on Friday TV channel.
The behavior of journalists during filming causes disputes among lawyers, lawyers and human rights defenders about the legality of such activities. One side claims that during such filming, one way or another, the rights of the owners are violated. Others encourage the actions of journalists.
If we consider the actions of journalists from the point of view of the law on the media, then they act within the framework of this act. But if we consider the same actions from the point of view of other normative acts, in their activities one can find many violations that entail administrative and even criminal liability.
Procedure for Journalists in Counter-Terrorism Operations
Separate rules for journalistic activities have been established for counter-terrorism operations (CTO). In this case, being at the facility or in the area of operation of the CTO, the journalist reports to the head of the operation.
The media are strictly prohibited from disclosing any information about the tactics of the operation, the methods and means used. If this information gets through to terrorists through journalists, it can disrupt the operation and lead to serious human casualties.
When disclosing information about employees involved in the counter-terrorist operation and about their relatives, the media are obliged to follow the laws on state secrets and the protection of personal information.
Recent changes in the media law
In 2017, an amendment was introduced to Article 35 of the Media Law regarding mandatory communications.
First, the editorial office is obliged to publish messages free of charge and on time in accordance with a court decision. Secondly, state media are obliged to publish messages from higher federal and state bodies.
As in the previous version, the editorial office of any media is obliged to give warning signals about danger, emergency information due to the danger to the population, free of charge and as soon as possible. In particular, the media are obliged to publish information on the procedure for the actions of the population, to publish messages from executive authorities and local self-government bodies.