A simple written contract has three important features. First, this document is completed by hand. Secondly, it can be drawn up without the participation of a notary. And thirdly, the cost of drafting it from a lawyer will not depend on the value of the object of the contract itself.

Step 1
An agreement in simple written form is concluded by the parties without its certification by a notary. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation is limited to the written form of fixing the transaction by drawing up only one document, which is signed by the parties. Compliance with the law when concluding documents of this kind lies with the state registration authorities. In this form, transactions between legal entities and citizens, as well as transactions of citizens among themselves, can be formalized.
Step 2
Indicate in the contract all its main conditions. Who is selling, what is being sold, to whom it is being sold, and for how much. All terms of sale or exchange must be covered. In the event that a donation is carried out, this must be indicated. When exchanging, you need to indicate what is being changed. The contract is drawn up by the seller, even if the object or product is sold through an agency. The buyer pays only the cost of drawing up the document.
Step 3
Indicate all the passport details of the seller and the buyer, the addresses of the living space to be purchased, the main parameters of the apartment and room, its cost (if we are talking about real estate). List all the main title deeds for housing. Enter the cash settlement form. In the event that the apartment is not vacant, then indicate the data of all persons registered on this living space at the time of the conclusion of the document, as well as write the terms during which these persons will be discharged (the maximum period is 14 days from the date of registration of the contract with the UFRS).
Step 4
If an agreement is concluded that fixes the obligations of the parties to the loan, then be sure to indicate the amount of money, all passport details of both parties, as well as the borrower's obligations to return. In the document that is drawn up in relation to movable property, indicate the type of subject of the contract, as well as all its main parameters (for example, if we are talking about a car, then indicate the model of the car and the year of its production).
Step 5
A donation contract in idle time can be drawn up if the donor is a legal entity, and the value of the gift is five times higher than the minimum wage, or the document provides for the transfer of the gift in the future.
Step 6
Indicate the term for the physical release of the area, which is also 14 days if the object is real estate. Write down the measure of the seller's responsibility in case there are claims of third parties regarding the subject of the contract. List the articles of the civil code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which this agreement was drawn up. Depending on the situation, other documents are listed that are required to complete the registration.