Stun guns (especially those with good penetration) are a good civilian self-defense weapon. In principle, it is not difficult to make them yourself. Almost all parts for this can be found on the free market. But is it legal?

Legal implications of creating a homemade stun gun
The production and circulation of weapons in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Federal Law No. 150-FZ "On Weapons" dated 13.12.1996. In addition to a wide range of portable weapons, this law also considers electroshock devices for personal defense. The law imposes restrictions on the production of small arms, cold, gas, traumatic and some other weapons, but in fact there is no prohibition on the production of stun guns by civilians in the law. No other legislative acts contain this prohibition either.
This state of affairs in Russian legislation means only one thing - civilians can collect and use self-developed stun guns for personal defense.
What difficulties can there be with the law?
However, there are additions to the Law on Weapons, which impose a ban on the use of electric shock devices by civilians with a capacity of more than 3 watts. That is, if a homemade stun gun is more powerful than this power, wearing and using it is illegal.
More powerful electroshock devices can only be used by police officers and special forces. However, as a rule, they are provided with more powerful means of self-defense.