For a person who cannot imagine life without a car, the loss of a driver's license for any reason becomes almost a disaster. After all, he suddenly finds himself in a completely different world, alien and unfamiliar.

Why are they deprived of their rights?
The deprivation of a driver's license for a certain period of time is, of course, a tough measure, but necessary. The Code of Administrative Violations clearly regulates this procedure. It is he who determines the period for which the driver for a very specific offense is deprived of the opportunity to drive a vehicle.
Of course, the driver must clearly know - for what and under what circumstances he can be deprived of his license. In most cases, this allows you to protect yourself from illegal actions of a traffic police officer.
It is clear that the deprivation of a driver's license is one of the extreme measures, and all possible situations are considered in detail by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In general, the deprivation of a driver's license is provided for a period of one month to three years.
That is, if a driver drives a vehicle without registration plates, then he can easily pay for this with a monthly deprivation of the opportunity to drive a car, although under certain circumstances it can be injured up to a year.
For such entertainment as the installation of special signals or signs of operational services, deprivation is guaranteed for six months, or even up to two years.
It is quite clear that you cannot drive while intoxicated. For those who ignore this rule, the most severe punishment is provided - deprivation of a driver's license for three years. True, in Belarus they went even further in this respect - and deprived of the vehicle itself.
In general, there is a punishment for every prank on the road. Exceeded the speed by more than 60 km / h - up to six months there is a chance not to get behind the wheel. Violated traffic rules at a railway crossing - from three months to a year.
Every driver must know that just like that, any inspector has no right to deprive him of his license. The most that a traffic police officer can do is draw up a protocol, withdraw the driver's license and write out a temporary one. He can also remove the culprit or the offender from driving, detain the vehicle and accompany the driver for a medical examination.
Further, the case should be considered in court. Only the court has the right to revoke a driver's license for a certain period, of course, if the driver's guilt is proven.
It should be remembered that the protocol, drawn up incorrectly or in violation of the rules, contains errors, gives the driver a reason to protest the accusation. Recognition by the court of the protocol invalid leads to the termination of the case.