A project is a unique activity that is defined in time and has the ultimate goal of creating a product or service. The creation of a project is limited in terms of time, resources and acceptable risks. To promote the project means to convince the management, investors or users that all the conditions of the project are met.

Step 1
As a result of the project, a new, unique product or service is born. You can convince of the need for the appearance of the final result by providing an obvious benefit in monetary terms. Provide the management or investor with the final amount of profit that you plan as a result of the project implementation. The amount should be as accurate as possible and based on real research data.
Step 2
Any project has a time frame, i.e. beginning and the end. Reassure management that all project activities are timed and feasible within that timeframe. To do this, use the visual aids: draw the stages of the project in the form of graphs. The management needs to know the time of project implementation in order to make sure that by the time of creation a new service or product will not lose its relevance.
Step 3
Reassure management that the activities are manageable and that the risk of external influences in the process of creating a new product is minimal. To do this, draw a schedule for the creation of the project and define breakpoints on it. They are necessary in order to compare the obtained result with the planned one. Additional tasks may arise during the course of the project; it is necessary to provide for a possible adjustment of the action plan.
Step 4
Submit a cost estimate for the project. It should be comparable to the final result and fit into the budget planned for the implementation of the project. If the cost limit is exceeded, your project may be rejected as an unprofitable investment.
Step 5
Determine who will manage the project and who will execute it. A clear distribution of roles will allow organizing the implementation and compliance with the initially planned goal. If the project meets all the requirements, it will be accepted and implemented.