To be promoted, you must be guided by article 72.1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation. To complete this procedure, you need to draw up a number of documents and obtain the written consent of the employee himself. An increase, as well as a decrease, should be warned 2 months before the fact of direct renewal.

It is necessary
- - written warning of the employee two months before the change of position
- -additional agreement to the employment contract
- - order of the form No. T-5
- - entering information into a personal card and work book under the following serial number
- -changing the staffing table
- -document on new job responsibilities
- -notification to the accounting department about a salary increase
- -all documents are signed by the employer and the employee
Step 1
Draw up a supplementary agreement to the main employment contract. In this document, indicate the position, responsibilities and the date of transition to the new position. If the transfer is carried out to another structural unit or to a newly created subsidiary, indicate the number of the department or company. The document should be drawn up in duplicate and sealed with double-sided signatures. One copy remains in the personnel department, the other is handed over to the employee.
Step 2
After signing an additional agreement, the head of the enterprise issues an order for a promotion. Draw up the order on the unified form No. T-5 and fill it in in accordance with the instructions of the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 5.01.04. for No. 1. In the order, indicate the date of transfer, the new position, the number of the structural unit, the amount of salary, the reason for the increase. In the grounds, indicate advanced training, graduation from an educational institution, etc. Familiarize yourself with the order of the employee against signature.
Step 3
Transfer all documents to the personnel department to enter information about the transfer with a promotion in your personal card.
Step 4
Draw up a document on new job responsibilities, seal it with double-sided signatures. Give one copy to the employee.
Step 5
If a new staffing table is introduced at the enterprise and the positions are renamed, but the functions and salaries of employees remain at the same level, then the employer has the right to issue a transfer unilaterally and familiarize employees with the order, the new staffing table and the name of the new position. Such registration does not contradict labor legislation, since the functions of employees do not change, and the salary remains at the same level.