Resume promotion is the most active way to find a job. It allows you to tap into almost all job opportunities, get the maximum number of job offers and choose the best one. This method is much more effective than passive waiting for an employer's call or fan mailing.

Method number 1. Specialized sites.
This method will allow you not only to post your resume on the site, but also regularly receive information about new vacancies in the field of interest to you. The most popular and visited sites are:,,,
Besides them, there are many other sites and specialized portals. When making your choice, pay attention not only to the attendance of the resource, but also to its specialization, as well as to the level of vacancies. If the site allows, be sure to add a photo, and do not forget to update the date of your resume 1-2 times a week!
Method number 2. Social networks.
Using the Law of the Six Handshakes, you will get the opportunity to meet completely different people, and your future employer may be among them! Write to friends and acquaintances that you are looking for a job, indicate this in the "status". It is necessary to notify the maximum number of people about your task. By the way, it will not be superfluous to clear the "wall" of all unnecessary, compromising, working against you, and place a photo corresponding to the business image.
Method number 3. Professional communities.
The most suitable services for these purposes are services such as Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, the business community and others. These communities are created mainly for business communication, and it is in their virtual space that the employer and the candidate can easily find each other. To expedite this meeting, you need to do the following:
- Fill in your profile as detailed as possible. Pay special attention to such sections as "Education", "Qualifications", "Previous place of work", "Foreign languages". The more information you post about yourself, the more likely you are to be noticed.
- Become an active member of a specialized team. On any social network, you can easily find like-minded people and can join them by becoming a member of the group. The key to success when looking for a job in this way is activity! Place in the group your notes, comments, express opinions, ask questions, in general, demonstrate your professionalism! Every day hundreds of HR managers review these groups, so this resource is very important to use.
- Create a professional portfolio. If job sites significantly limit the candidate in demonstrating their own achievements, forcing them to adhere to specific templates, then social networks in this sense provide unlimited opportunities. Be sure to use them, especially if you are in the creative profession.
Keep track of news of interesting companies in which you would like to work. Many organizations now have profiles on social media and business communities. If you follow their news, you will get the chance to be the first to know about the vacancy. Also, it is possible to get acquainted with the person who makes the decision about employment and ask for an interview. Of course, acquaintance of HR with a candidate is far from a guarantee of instant employment, but nobody has canceled the "human factor" yet! Professional communities also exist outside the Internet. If you live in a large enough population center, it will not be difficult to find such a community and become a member of it. "Live" communication with colleagues increases the chances of finding a good job several times over.
Method number 4. Recommenders.
As I said above, you need to notify the maximum number of people that you are looking for a job. Some of your friends, relatives, acquaintances, colleagues at the previous place of work, former teachers may know about an open vacancy that will interest you. Do not be too lazy to call them all!
Method number 5. Recruitment agencies.
Applying to recruiting agencies is not only an opportunity to find another source of vacancies, but also to practice in passing an interview. Do not limit yourself to just sending your resume, a personal visit is much more effective. You will be able to communicate with specialists, find out about available vacancies, and also get a number of tips for further communication with the employer.
And one more important factor: according to statistics, after passing the probationary period, employers are more reluctant to part with employees for whom they paid a recruiting agency. All other things being equal, companies are more likely to say goodbye to candidates who came from the street.
Method number 6. Employment centers and labor exchanges.
You can interact with employment centers and labor exchanges in different ways. You can register and qualify for certain benefits. You can get additional education, take certain trainings and courses at the expense of the exchange. Or you can simply leave your resume by establishing contact with an employee of a particular center. Since access to the database of vacancies is mostly free, you can take advantage of this and write out everything that interests you.
Method number 7. Announcements of vacancies.
For some reason, many job seekers forget that, in addition to job sites, there are many other ways to hire staff. HR professionals place job advertisements in magazines and newspapers, on radio and TV, on bulletin boards and on the windows of shuttle buses, on billboards and leaflets distributed by promoters. Companies post advertisements of vacancies in the windows of offices or shops, place them on the windows of corporate vehicles.
You can compile a list of such job sources and regularly track new job offers.
Method number 8. Your own ad.
Your own ad, placed in various sources, will allow you to more widely cover the labor market. Analyze where HR personnel are recruited. This is where your ad should be placed. These are free Internet bulletin boards, contextual advertising, and popular newspapers. Moreover, many newspapers and magazines now duplicate ads on their websites.
Method number 9. Job fair.
Such events are held, as a rule, twice a year: in spring and autumn. There are general and specialized fairs: for women, for students, for people with disabilities. Participation in such an event is a great way to show yourself and quickly find a job. However, it should be noted that TOP vacancies at fairs, as a rule, are not offered.
Effective participation requires:
- take with you several copies of your resume;
- rehearse self-presentation;
- be ready for an interview;
- be active: approach company representatives, ask questions, talk about yourself.
Method number 10. Cold calls.
This method is as follows: you carefully prescribe the image of the company in which you would like to work. Then, using the Internet or a directory of companies, make a list of organizations that match this image. And you start calling them to find out if there are suitable vacancies. If they are not yet available, you may be asked to send a resume for the future, and if there is one, you may be invited for an interview. In any case, such initiative candidates stand out from the crowd, they have a high priority.
So you've seen ten ways to promote your resume. Which ones will you add to your piggy bank? Which ones will you start right now?
I wish you the best of luck and remind you that success comes to those who believe in themselves and act!
Elena Trigub