The management process implies a set of certain types of activities that are aimed at streamlining and coordinating the development and functioning of the organization, as well as its elements, in order to achieve the goals facing it. At the same time, he solves two tasks: tactical, which consists in maintaining stability, efficiency and harmony of the interaction of all elements of the control object; as well as strategic, ensuring its development and improvement.

Step 1
The main tasks of management technology are: establishment of an organizational order and a rational sequence of work; ensuring the unity, consistency and continuity of actions of subjects when making decisions; participation of senior managers; uniform loading of performers.
Step 2
Management technologies are based on production and information flows, a body of knowledge about the methods and techniques of actions of top-level employees in the process of performing management operations.
Step 3
Linear technology is characterized by a fairly strict sequence of individual phases (professionalism in performing tasks, qualifications of performers, qualifications of a manager), which interact with each other and can change in accordance with a previously planned plan (advanced training). It is used in elementary typical cases with sufficient certainty of the ultimate goal and situation, for example, when controlling the movement of trains or the operation of equipment.
Step 4
If it is impossible to give an accurate assessment of the state of affairs at the enterprise, a key problem is highlighted and an unambiguous goal is outlined. In this case, the control technology can be branched. Solutions are developed in parallel along several lines. This control technology is suitable for scientific research.
Step 5
The technology for managing deviations that arose in the previous phase is based on partial adjustments, overcoming and making changes in the management process itself by the forces of performers. In turn, only with a significant amount of deviations in work is the intervention of the head necessary. This approach will avoid distracting him.
Step 6
When the control process is carried out in conditions of high uncertainty, then situation control technology is applied. It provides for actions that proceed from the prevailing circumstances, as well as adjustment for them, so that the most effective solution to existing problems can be provided. In this case, the manager makes operational decisions, as a rule, on the basis of constant monitoring, as well as analysis of the changes that take place in the internal and external environment of the organization.
Step 7
The technology of management by goals is focused on stimulating the achievement of personal goals, formulated by the employees themselves together with managers and recorded in a specific document.