Many apartment owners decide to enter into an agreement with a management company. However, not everyone is legally competent enough to know exactly under what conditions it should be concluded. Meanwhile, this is very important, since there are many complaints against management companies. Therefore, before concluding an agreement, it is worthwhile to study the legislation on this topic.

Step 1
In accordance with the contract, the management company must provide services and perform work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house for a set fee, provide utilities to the owners, etc. The contract with the management company must be concluded in writing by drawing up one document signed by the parties. It is concluded for a period of not less than one year and not more than five years.
Step 2
According to housing legislation, the contract with the management company must contain:
1. the address of the house in respect of which the management will be carried out;
2. an inventory of the property of such a house;
3. a list of services and works for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house;
4. a list of utilities provided by the company;
5. the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of the common property of the house, utilities;
6. the procedure for making the specified fee;
7. the procedure for exercising control over the actions of the management company.
Step 3
Be sure to check the agreement with the provisions of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2006 No. 491. It approves the Rules for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building, as well as the rules for changing the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. Especially in this resolution, it is worth paying attention to the norms on incurring general expenses for the maintenance of common property. In particular, the Resolution states that the decision on the amount of payment for the maintenance and repair of the premises is made by the general meeting of apartment owners for a period of one year. This and other norms should be taken into account in order not to allow the management company to abuse (instead of one year, write six months into the contract in order to further increase the fee, etc.). The articles of the contract with the management company must comply with the provisions of the regulation. Therefore, do not rush to sign the contract immediately and inform the neighbors about the presence of the specified resolution, so that the majority of tenants do not sign a contract that is obviously unprofitable and does not comply with the law.