Car insurance requires special attention to the insurance company and the terms of the contract with it. Before signing an insurance contract, familiarize yourself with the constituent documents of the insurance company, certificate of registration, license, list of founders and the size of the authorized capital. All these criteria are guarantees of the reliability of your insurer.

- - passport and identification code (for individuals);
- - a certificate from the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations (for legal entities);
- - technical passport;
- - the object of insurance (a car for inspection by an insurer's expert).
Step 1
Don't sign the contract right away. First, carefully read its terms and conditions, the application and the insurance company. Ask about the size of the authorized capital of the company, the license. For complete confidence, call the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation later, where you will be given detailed information about the insurance company.
Step 2
If the text of the auto insurance contract contains only references to the insurance rules, and not the rules themselves, ask for them and carefully study each paragraph before signing anything.
Step 3
If you don't want to run from one company to another, sign up for a CASCO agreement in the same company that insured you under OSAGO. See if there is a clause in the contract on compensation for minor damage directly, without certificates from the traffic police, and also ask about the limit of claims for compensation for damage.
Step 4
An important point of the CASCO agreement is the presence or absence of a franchise. This is the client's voluntary refusal to compensate for the smallest damages. A standard auto insurance contract allows the customer to decide for himself whether he will use the franchise or not. Although often the contract may be accompanied by a default deductible. In this case, confirm your refusal from it. Please note that if you forget to put a "tick" in the corresponding paragraph, then without wanting to, you will receive a CASCO agreement with a franchise. It can be written in the text in small print or with a phrase that the second insurance payment comes with a deductible.
Step 5
Pay attention to the account in the contract of the wear and tear of the car when calculating the insurance payment. Better, when wear is not taken into account, then when repairing a car, insurance will cover its worn out and worn out parts.
Step 6
If everything suits you in the contract, contact the insurance agent and fill out the policyholder's application (usually this is done with the help of the insurance agent), signing it with your signature. After paying the insurance premium, you will receive an insurance policy confirming the insurance contract.