Job description is one of the main regulatory documents governing the work process at the enterprise. Instructions are drawn up for each employee by the head of the unit (department) and specify the official duties and functions of employees subordinate to him.

Step 1
Use the developed standard documents to draw up a job description for an engineer that meets the specifics of the enterprise. Be sure to include the following sections:
- general provisions;
- functions;
- job responsibilities;
- rights;
- responsibility.
Step 2
Decide who will decide on the appointment and dismissal of an engineer, establish the necessary qualification requirements.
Step 3
List in the job description the legal acts and regulations that the engineer should be guided by in his activities. Decide who will report to the specialist, who will supervise, who will replace him during his absence.
Step 4
Establish the scope of the specialist and define his areas of activity. List the specific tasks assigned to the engineer in the job description.
Step 5
Indicate in the job description the form of participation of the engineer in the management process (directs, approves, provides, executes, controls, coordinates, represents, supervises, etc.). List the officials who will interact with the specialist in order to exchange official information.
Step 6
List the rights granted to an engineer to carry out the functions and responsibilities assigned to him. Establish the types of responsibility for untimely and poor-quality performance by a specialist of job duties.
Step 7
If necessary, develop other sections of the engineer's instructions in relation to the specifics of the industry, enterprise. These can be the criteria for assessing the quality of work, the mode of operation, the procedure for certification, etc.).
Step 8
Print the job description in three copies: for the head of the department, for the personnel department and for the employee. Approve the document by the head of the organization. Give the employee a copy of the job description against signature.