On the labor market, there are a lot of offers from employers who select employees for work, refusing to study a standard resume. Such organizations offer applicants to fill out a candidate questionnaire, which greatly simplifies the recruitment system and is beneficial to both parties. Specially designed for the needs of the enterprise, it allows the applicant and the employer to save a lot of time by abandoning general wording and highlighting only the most important criteria for evaluating the applicant. Therefore, it is very important for the candidate to fill out such a questionnaire correctly.

Step 1
First of all, collect as much information as possible about the company whose questionnaire you are preparing to fill out. Find out what are the most important requirements for a job seeker. Some of them are not indicated in the questionnaire, but are of great importance. For example, if you are asked to place your photo in the profile, find out if the company has a strict dress code and what requirements are imposed on the appearance of employees. Thus, by preparing a photo that meets these criteria, you will increase your own chances of a positive decision when considering your candidacy.
Step 2
Fill out the introductory part of the questionnaire as accurately and sincerely as possible, since all this information is easily verified and incorrectly specified passport data, place of residence or education can become a real obstacle on the way to a vacant position. Do not try to hide your age if this issue is important to the company. Thus, trying to embellish the reality, you are more likely to lose your title of candidate, possibly already at the first interview.
Step 3
Carefully study the questions in the main part of the questionnaire and highlight the key points in which you could present your candidacy in the best possible light. Usually these are items about additional education and skills in the specified specialty. Here you should not be modest, but on the contrary, you need to list in detail the certificates and diplomas you have, confirming your competence in the proposed topic. Also, pay attention to filling out the columns about previous sales or others.
Step 4
Review the questionnaire again before submitting it to the HR department. If you deem it necessary, highlight the most important points (additional education, skills, work experience in the specialty or high performance of lice), but not too large or brightly. The HR department has experienced employees, and they easily look for important points in the questionnaire, but here you can help them a little. This will add points when considering your candidacy.