Every specialist performing a labor function at the enterprise is entitled to leave. The employee's rest period is determined by the vacation schedule approved by the director's order for a calendar year. In some cases, an early exit from vacation is required, which is allowed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But revocation is possible only with the consent of the employee.

- - employee documents;
- - vacation schedule;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - form of a memo;
- - order form;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 1
The vacation summons is issued by the order of the director, but before issuing the order, draw up a memo. Address it to the name of the head of the organization. In the substantive part of the document, write personal data, the position of the employee who needs to be recalled from vacation. Indicate the period of rest, as well as the number of days for which the eligible vacation is interrupted. Enter the reason for the revocation. As a rule, this is a production necessity. Certify the memo with the signature of the head of the department where the specialist is registered. Submit the document for resolution to the director.
Step 2
Contact the worker on vacation. Upon receipt of the employee's consent to revoke, issue an order. Please note that the refusal of a specialist to leave early is not a violation of labor discipline. Therefore, any punishment will be illegal and violate the rights of the employee.
Step 3
Draw up an order. Write in the "head" of the document the name of the organization, as well as the number and date of the order. Write your vacation review as a subject. In the field of the reason for issuing the order, indicate the production need or other reason that is written in the memo of the head of the service where the employee works. Enter personal data, the name of the position of the specialist, as well as the period of his vacation. Specify the number of days for which the employee's vacation is interrupted.
Step 4
Certify the order with the signature of the director, head of the personnel service. When you go to work, familiarize yourself with the employee's order. Please note that a specialist signature is not enough. Ask the employee to write the following phrase: "I agree with the review."
Step 5
The employee has the right to replace the remaining vacation days with monetary compensation or postpone to another period. The employer is obliged to coordinate this with a specialist. When postponing a vacation, be sure to record the time of the subsequent vacation in the appropriate schedule. Inform the employee that the rest of the rest can be included in the subsequent vacation, that is, to extend it.