Some employers, in the course of their business activities, send employees on business trips, that is, to a certain place to carry out any assignments related to work. As a rule, money is spent on such trips, but in order to write them off, it is necessary to correctly document the business trip itself.

Step 1
First, it should be said that you can only send a full-time employee on a business trip. But there are exceptions - according to labor laws, pregnant women, minors and trainees cannot be sent on work trips.
Step 2
If you send a woman on a business trip with more than one child under the age of 3, you must obtain her consent, while explaining in writing that she has the right to refuse.
Step 3
After that, make up a service assignment (form No. T-10a). In the standard form, fill in the "header", that is, indicate the name of the organization, put the serial number, date of compilation and write the details of the employee who is sent on a business trip.
Step 4
After that, proceed to filling out the tabular section of the form. In the first column, indicate the structural unit in which the employee is listed, for example, transport. Next, write your post. In the following columns, indicate such information as the destination of the trip, its duration, the organization that should reimburse all costs. Also write the reason that prompted you to send the employee on the trip.
Step 5
After that, sign the job assignment with the head of the organization, the head of the department and the employee himself. After that, enter the date of compilation.
Step 6
Next, draw up an order to send the employee on a business trip (form No. T-9). Also fill in the header of the form. Then indicate the data of the employee, put down his personnel number, position, indicate the structural unit and the destination of the business trip. Enter the number of days of the trip below and enter the start and end date.
Step 7
After that, indicate the purpose of the trip, for example, the conclusion of a contract. Write down the basis and indicate the source of funding. Sign with the head of the organization and with the employee himself. Please add the date at the end.
Step 8
Then issue a travel certificate (form No. T-10). This form is filled out like an order, that is, the data of the employee, the purpose of the trip, and its duration are indicated. It is also necessary to put down marks upon arrival at the destination. This form can be omitted if the business trip lasts for one day.