On official business, employers send their employees on a business trip. For its registration, it is necessary to draw up a service assignment, issue a business trip order, write a travel certificate, and upon arrival of an employee from a business trip, he should draw up and submit an advance report.

It is necessary
- - forms of relevant documents;
- - employee documents;
- - documents of the enterprise;
- - seal of the organization;
- - details of the company to which the employee is sent;
- - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
- - a pen;
- - cash.
Step 1
The head of the structural unit must write a memo addressed to the first person of the company. The document indicates the surname, name, patronymic, position of the employee sent on a business trip. Describes the reason for sending the employee. The note is signed by the head of the structural unit indicating the position held, surname, initials. The director examines the memorandum and, in case of a positive decision, puts a resolution on it with a date and a signature.
Step 2
Draw up an order according to the unified form T-2. Indicate the topic of the document, which corresponds in this case to the direction of the employee of the organization on a business trip, write down the reason why you need to send the employee. For example, negotiating, signing documents. Write the personnel number of the specialist, his position, last name, first name, patronymic. Indicate the period for which the employee is sent to another city on business. Give the order a date and number. The director of the organization has the right to sign the document. Certify the order with the seal of the company and familiarize the employee sent on a business trip with it, against signature.
Step 3
Create a job assignment that has a uniform form. Enter the data of the employee, the purpose of the business trip, the duration of the business trip, the number of calendar days on the business trip, the number of days on the way. Indicate the name of the organization to which the employee is sent, the city of its location and the name of the country. The document is signed by the director of the company. Certify the service assignment with the company seal. On the same letterhead, an employee who arrived from a business trip writes a report on the trip, puts his signature, attaches the necessary documents, if any were issued to him for signing.
Step 4
Write to the employee a travel certificate, in which indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the employee, the position he holds, the purpose of the trip. This document must be signed by the head of the company and certified by the seal of the organization. Give money to the specialist on account of the report.
Step 5
Upon arrival of an employee from a business trip, he needs to fill out an advance report form, attach documents confirming expenses to it, and submit it to the accounting department for settlements.