For negotiation and other purposes, employees of the enterprise are sent on a business trip. Based on the memo of the head of the structural unit where the traveler works, an order is issued and a job assignment is written. If the terms of the business trip need to be extended, the director of the organization draws up an order to this effect.

It is necessary
blanks of relevant documents, company documents, organization seal, pen, documents of a posted worker
Step 1
The head of the structural unit writes a memo addressed to the first person of the company about the extension of the business trip. It reports on the terms for which it is necessary to extend the business trip. The surname, first name, patronymic of the person who is currently on a business trip on the business of the company, in accordance with the identity document, the position he occupies in accordance with the staffing table, the name of the structural unit in which this specialist works, is entered into the document. The head of the structural unit signs a memorandum, indicating his last name, initials. The director of the enterprise puts his signature in case of his consent to the extension of the business trip.
Step 2
On the basis of the memorandum, the first person of the organization issues an order. In his cap, he writes the full and abbreviated name of the enterprise in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual in accordance with an identity document, if the company is an individual entrepreneur. The document is assigned a number and date. Its name corresponds to the extension of the business trip.
Step 3
In the administrative part of the order, the director prescribes the reason for the extension of the business trip, indicates the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee sent on a business trip, the position he holds. Moreover, the head of the company refers to the order to send this specialist on a business trip, prescribes the number and date of publication of the document.
Step 4
The first person of the organization indicates the number of days for which the employee's business trip is extended, as well as the timing of its extension.
Step 5
The stay on a business trip to this employee is compensated for the documented expenses, and the days of extension are paid to him at the expense of the organization.
Step 6
The head of the enterprise makes the chief accountant responsible for informing the posted employee about the extension of his business trip and familiarization with the order.
Step 7
The order is signed by the director of the organization, indicating his position, surname, initials, and certifies it with the company seal.