An employee who starts his career in a particular area does not always come to the organization as a highly qualified specialist. It takes him time to improve his professional skills.

Colleague mentor, refresher courses, Internet, books, magazines, professional skill contests
Step 1
When starting work in a new team, take a closer look at your colleagues. Surely there are people who thoroughly know all the intricacies of the profession. Watch their actions if they are more effective than yours. Contact them for help if necessary. The advice of experienced staff will be beneficial to your education.
Step 2
Ask your supervisor to provide you with a mentor from a more professional staff. A mentor colleague will be able to supervise the process of your work, promptly prompting the necessary information, as well as provide assistance from the practical side. Also, thanks to this, you quickly adapt to a new team for yourself.
Step 3
Take the opportunity to take refresher courses. They will allow you to better know exactly your direction in work, to learn the specifics. It also helps you connect theory and practice faster. By taking such courses systematically, you can improve your professional skills. Also of great importance is the direct exchange of experience between specialists from different cities, which takes place at such courses.
Step 4
Take part in various professional skill contests. The process of preparing for a performance or demonstration activity will allow you to explore the different areas of your work in more detail and in depth. Even if you lose, you will be able to realistically assess your capabilities and set new goals for yourself. In addition, participating in such contests will help improve your self-esteem.
Step 5
Use the Internet to find information that can help you in your work. Specialized sites allow you to ask questions and get answers to them. So you will be able to compare several points of view and draw your own conclusions. In addition, the constant search for data will give you the opportunity to keep abreast of all the news regarding your professional activity.
Step 6
Make a selection of specialized literature. A personal library will allow you not to forget the theoretical foundations and not constantly store a large amount of information in your head. Also, having books and magazines, you can find the necessary information when it is convenient for you, without resorting to outside help.
Step 7
Whenever you have a rationalization idea, suggest it to your management. Perhaps, with your help, a new direction in the work of the organization will arise. In any case, the manager will note your professional growth, which can adequately reflect on your salary.