For a long time working in one specialty, a person acquires significant professional experience, masters a wide arsenal of techniques and methods of performing production tasks. But life is moving forward, the requirements for the profession are changing, the level of complexity of tasks is increasing, new technologies appear that require higher qualifications. There is a need to improve the professional level.

Step 1
Make it a habit to regularly look through the literature in your specialty, read newspapers, thematic magazines, scientific publications related to your area of professional interest. By following the latest in special literature, you will be theoretically grounded and will be able to successfully apply innovations in your daily activities. A true professional is ready to constantly replenish his knowledge.
Step 2
Take up the study of a foreign language. Many professional novelties are published in foreign publications. If you wait for a qualified translation of special texts into your native language, you can waste time, lag behind colleagues and competitors. There is no need to deeply master the spoken foreign language, although when working in an international company this skill will not be superfluous. Learning to comprehend written information and technical texts relevant to your industry is sufficient. Knowledge of a foreign language increases your professional status.
Step 3
Take part in corporate trainings organized by your company. The time spent on such training will definitely pay off. There you can get not only the latest knowledge in the specialty, but also useful skills in the field of personnel management, communication competence or technology of successful sales. These skills are absolutely essential if you are counting on a higher or leadership position.
Step 4
Sign up for refresher courses. As a rule, they are arranged at the territorial employment services of the population, at non-state educational centers or at higher educational institutions. So you will get the opportunity not only to improve the level of special training, but also to master a new profession. The certificate of professional development will be a confirmation of your professionalism.
Step 5
Improve your professional training in the workplace. Take the initiative, take on work that is not part of your direct responsibilities. Thus, you will be able to master a related specialty or get skills in organizational work without interrupting your work. Your initiative and willingness to take on difficult work will certainly be appreciated by the management when the question arises of raising the official salary or appointment to a higher position.