No matter how strict a boss you are, and no matter how good the discipline in your department is, this is not an indicator of productive work. Employees can come to work on time and sit at their desk all day, distracted only by lunch, but labor productivity will remain low, and project implementation will be delayed indefinitely. As a boss, you need to improve your department, and there are plenty of opportunities to do so.

Step 1
Your department should be a team that is brought together by common goals and objectives. Think over and describe all the technological processes that are carried out by your department and assign clearly defined responsibilities to each person. Talk to everyone, explain to the employee the range of tasks that need to be solved specifically for him and emphasize how important his work is for the entire team.
Step 2
To solve some separate tasks, create groups of employees of your department, taking into account their psychotype and personality traits of each. With this approach, these "micro teams" will self-regulate and perform the assigned work with maximum efficiency.
Step 3
In order for the department employees to understand and see the overall task, to be interested in its implementation, hold weekly or monthly planning meetings, at which employees will analyze the work done and outline the stages that need to be completed for the next reporting period. At such planning meetings, the team will be able to see and evaluate the contribution of everyone, so there will be fewer people who want to let their colleagues down and not complete the work on time.
Step 4
Motivation is a great thing. When your employees are interested in the end result of the department's work, their output will increase significantly. You, as the head of the department, have the opportunity to influence the amount of material remuneration. Use this opportunity to stimulate as well as verbal thanks. They are also important for your subordinates, who will understand that their work is noticeable and their efforts are appreciated.
Step 5
Never get favorites and favorites. The team must know that the monetary value of the work of each of its members depends only on the quality of the work entrusted to him.