The general meeting is held to discuss controversial issues requiring decisions taking into account the opinion of the majority. Usually, general topics are discussed here, but concerning each of the invitees. And the resolutions adopted at the general meeting are subject to immediate implementation without taking into account the opinions of those interested parties who did not take part in the voting or were in the minority. Holding such a meeting requires high-quality preparation and execution, so that all decisions made can have legal force.

Step 1
Preparation for the general meeting consists in a high-quality study of the topics to be discussed. First, make a list of them under the general title "Agenda". Here, list the topics by item, with a detailed description (if required) and an indication of the speakers for specific issues. Discuss with the speakers the possibility of their presentation (get consent) at the specified time and the specifics of working out the topic (time allotted for the report), as well as the need for additional equipment (projector, etc.).
Step 2
Write an announcement to inform the team about the upcoming meeting. It should indicate the time and place of the general meeting, the agenda (a list of topics proposed for discussion). Post your ad in public places where interested parties can read it. If there are people-specific issues on the agenda, they should report the meeting separately, sometimes in writing (depending on the importance of the issue).
Step 3
At the very beginning of the meeting, announce the agenda and invite the congregation to choose a chairperson (presenter) and a secretary to take minutes. The issue for each candidate is put to a general vote. After the approval of the proposed persons, the elected chairman continues to lead the meeting. He, in order, proposes topics from the agenda for discussion, invites speakers to speak and puts questions to a vote.
The secretary keeps minutes of the meeting, recording the discussion in the format adopted for document circulation. First, indicate the name of the organization (HOA, school, OJSC or others), in which the meeting is held, the date, time and place of its holding. Here you need to report the number of those present. This is followed by the "Agenda" section, into which all the previously prepared topics should be transferred. The main part of the minutes describes the course of the meeting in the "Listened" section. Provide the full name of the speaker and briefly outline the essence of the speech. The final part describes the conclusions and decisions taken, indicating the number of votes cast "for" and "against".
Step 4
At the end of the meeting, the minutes are signed by the chairman of the meeting and the secretary. The decisions made at it, if they do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are subject to execution. Interested persons who were not present at the meeting for various reasons, but who are directly related to the issues under consideration, can be notified of the decisions taken by the general meeting.