It is quite difficult for an unemployed person to survive, regardless of their habitat. However, it is not worth constantly complaining that there is nothing to feed the children with, there is no money for utility bills, there is nothing to buy chicken to cook broth with. The financial issue will not solve this, it will only worsen the depression caused by the lack of work.

- - vegetable garden.
- Or
- - Forest.
- Or
- - computer;
- - the Internet.
Step 1
Get involved in growing garden crops. This is one of the best ways to survive when there is no work. In most large cities, at collective farm markets, there are offices that buy vegetables grown by private owners. It is most profitable to produce annual gingerbread herbs: dill, parsley, cilantro. Also, green onions are in constant demand among consumers. The advantage of planting these garden crops is in low costs (they do not need greenhouses, and their seeds are cheap) and in a fairly short period of growth of aerial shoots. In addition, you can sell herbs in bunches, and not by weight, which significantly increases profitability. Another type of crops recommended for growing are early vegetables: radishes, carrots, beets. It's no secret that in May all of the above is much more expensive than during the mass ripening season, but provide a greenhouse or ground cover material for protection from low temperatures.
Step 2
Collect mushrooms and berries. By analogy with the sale of vegetables, forest gifts from you will also be gladly acquired by intermediary firms opened at collective farm markets. For one day of a leisurely walk in the forest, you can earn more than a thousand rubles. Subtract from this amount the payment of the train ticket to the destination and back, the bottom line will still leave a pretty decent amount. It is more profitable to pick lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries and blueberries. Firstly, during the season it is not difficult to find the places of their growth. Secondly, the cost of these berries is consistently high. It is more pleasant to pick mushrooms, but really good money is paid only for porcini and aspen mushrooms, and it is not always possible to find them. However, this does not mean that picking other mushrooms is not profitable: for a basket of chanterelles you can always get two or three hundred.
Step 3
Master the means of earning money using the Internet. If you have a computer at home, you can do simple work that does not require any special skills. For example, watching ads, placing files on the network, selling links from your site, you can earn up to 500 rubles a day.