The management of modern production is a multifaceted task. The complexity of technological processes often requires the involvement of specialists of a very different profile and qualifications, for example, engineers and technologists. But the main work in production is still performed by representatives of blue-collar professions. The management of this category of workers has its own specifics.

Step 1
Use the feedback principle when managing workers. The leader must have an idea of the processes that are taking place in the team. Organize the collection of information on the state of the moral and psychological climate in the work environment. The source of such information can be conversations with the workers themselves, foremen and heads of structural divisions of the company.
Step 2
Make it a practice for middle and senior executives to visit their jobs. When you walk around the sites, you can get a lot of information about the state of affairs in the work collective and the problems faced by workers. Prompt response to shortcomings in the organization of work will help to eliminate the causes of conflict situations in advance.
Step 3
Establish close cooperation with the trade union organization of the enterprise. The main task of the trade union is to protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers. The trade union is the body that organizes workers and unites the collective in the name of achieving common professional goals. It is best if the leader has an idea of what issues workers are asking their union. This will allow you to quickly respond to requirements and optimize working conditions in a timely manner.
Step 4
Try to identify the structure of the workforce, including its informal leaders. Among the workers there are always those who enjoy the most prestige. They can be the most educated or experienced workers with leadership qualities. When preparing management decisions that directly affect the interests of workers, use these "centers of influence" to obtain feedback and form a positive opinion about innovations.
Step 5
Develop a system of fair incentives for workers. The workforce must have an idea of the criteria that allow you to obtain social and material benefits. Use not only bonus payments to distinguished employees, but also the means of moral stimulation of their activities. One of the ways to increase the interest of workers in the results of labor is to hold professional skill competitions and publicly honor the leaders of production.
Step 6
Create an environment in which each worker feels like a person. Do not allow people to be rude and unceremonious, even if they do not very prestigious work. When the worker begins to feel himself not just a cog in production, but a part of the general labor collective, his attitude to work and his duties will be appropriate.