What Documents Are Drawn Up For Vacation At Your Own Expense

What Documents Are Drawn Up For Vacation At Your Own Expense
What Documents Are Drawn Up For Vacation At Your Own Expense

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Vacation without pay, although it does not preserve the employee's salary, but guarantees the assignment of a job to him. Only with proper documentation can it be proved that the employee went on such a vacation of his own free will.

What documents are drawn up for vacation at your own expense
What documents are drawn up for vacation at your own expense


  • - an employee's application for leave without pay;
  • - order according to the form No. T-61;
  • - personal employee card in the form No. T-2;
  • - timesheet.


Step 1

Letting an employee go on vacation without pay is a right, not an obligation, of the employer. The employee must have a valid reason for this. But for some categories of citizens, the right to such a vacation is prescribed at any time. For example, for working pensioners, for students during the session, the spouse of military personnel, participants in the Great Patriotic War and the disabled. The terms for granting leave for these categories are limited by law.

Step 2

Regardless of whether such leave is granted for valid reasons, or in accordance with the procedure established by law, the employee must write an application for the grant of leave. There is no application form established by law, therefore it is drawn up in free form. It must necessarily contain the reasons that prompted the employee to take a vacation (for example, family circumstances) or a link to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which calls on the employer to provide it. Also, the application must indicate the date of drawing up, the duration of the vacation and the personal signature of the employee. At the same time, the employer retains the right to recall the employee from the vacation, and the employee can leave the vacation ahead of schedule.

Step 3

If the application for a vacation was granted, the employer must fix this in the order on the unified form No. T-61. It is necessary to familiarize the employee with it under his personal signature. This leave is also reflected in the employee's personal card in form No. T-2. If the vacation exceeds 14 days, then it is not included in the insurance period; seniority giving the right to leave; and is also not taken into account when calculating average earnings.

Step 4

Information about the leave provided must be reflected in the time sheet (according to forms No. T-12, T-13). In court proceedings, this will serve as proof that the employee was on vacation with the consent of the employer and there were no absenteeism.
