Quitting work often causes a lot of difficulties. This is due not only to the norms of ethics and competent office management at the enterprise. When deciding to write a refusal to work, one should be guided at the same time by the strategic goals of the enterprise. The selection of competent personnel and the provision of your company with highly qualified specialists depend on the ability to refuse in time. It is by no means recommended to use vague and vague formulations or refusals of the type “you are entered into the database” when making a final decision on refusal. The use of strict official wording is the key to success even in such a delicate situation.

Company form, reason, logical formulation, justification
Step 1
Use all sorts of tricks like “you don’t suit us” without explaining the reasons, or “we will add you to the database, they will call you”, etc. is strictly prohibited. This will put you in an awkward situation. The reason for the awkwardness is that there is no article in the Labor Code that allows you to refuse because of race, age, etc.
Step 2
The best options for the wording of the refusal may be a proposal like "Unfortunately, we cannot hire you due to changes in functional responsibilities and requirements for a candidate for the position." It will look reasonable and logical.
Step 3
It is good practice to use quality letterhead or letterhead. This will allow you to comply with the official tone and at the same time refuse beautifully. In any case, a letter on low-quality paper and without company attributes creates an atmosphere of frivolity and irresponsible attitude to business.
Step 4
You should not indicate an obvious reason for refusal in the event that it is impartial or in some way offends the personal feelings of the applicant. You should always remember about the possibility of the applicant to appeal the decision in court in case of incorrect wording or illegal refusal.
Step 5
The rationale must be logical and reasonable. It is worth paying attention to the observance of rhetorical laws and ideals - first praise, and then communicate all the information